News 2006

Welcome to the new archive. Below you can read some of the important points of news from the year 2006.

Another New PhD Student at the LBB

The LBB welcomes the newest PhD Student: Takumi Sannomiya. This brings our total up to eleven current PhD students plus three successfully defended theses since the founding of the LBB.


The LBB Is Growing!

The months of October and November have seen quite an expansion of our group. In addition to new offices, new equipment and new furniture, the LBB would like to introduce the following new people:

This list is still expanding and new names will be added to it very soon.


The Lab-Opening Party

Our lab opening party was a big success. About 150 friends and partners joined us for a nice evening with a barbecue and an Indian buffet. Thanks to everyone who found the way to the ETZ building!

Vörös, Janos
János Vöros - The Boss
Vörös, Janos
The inauguration in the main hall of the ETZ Building - home of the LBB  20.05.2006

PhD Defence - (Dr.) Martin Halter

Martin Halter is proud to have defended his thesis on the 13th of September, 2006. Congratulations from everyone at the LBB.

Halter, Martin
Martin with the defence comittee
Halter, Martin
Martin wearing his version of the traditional doctoral hat  13.09.2006

PhD Defence - (Dr.) Christoph Huwiler

Christoph Huwiler has successfully defended his thesis on the 23th of August, 2006. Congratulations Huwi!

Huwiler, Christoph
Huwi with Heinrich Hofmann from EPFL
Huwiler, Christoph
Huwi after the defense with the comittee and his parents.
Huwiler, Christoph
Huwi with his version of the traditional doctoral hat

PhD Defence - (Dr.) Clarence Tang

Tang, Clarence
Clarence & the defence committee
Tang, Clarence
Clarence & his doctoral hat

The Newest Pieces of Hardware

The NanoWizzard AFM from external page JPK has been installed on the 7th of June 2006, our new EC-QCM-D instrument from external page Q-Sensearrived on the 14th of March 2006, but the first biosensor of the group (OWLS) from external page Microvacuum arrived on the 14th of February 2006. Everything is installed and working well. Let the research begin!


Yet Another PhD Student at the LBB

Michael Gabi joins the group for a PhD on the 1st of February. He will work on
controlling the formation of neuron networks.


Our PhD Representation Abroad

Orane Guillaume-Gentil leaves to Tokyo for a collaboration with the external page Institute of Advanced Biomedical Engineering and Science, Tokyo Women's Medical University

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