
A cable assembly
Vincent Martinez, Luca Hirt, Walter Hirt, Edi Liberato Elias, Serge Weydert, Janos Vörös,
EP3564690A1, May 2018

Implantable analogue device and system comprising such device
Janos Vörös, Flurin Stauffer, Klas Tybrandt, Marc Schneider, Thomas Kessler, Roland Küng, Julian Hengsteler, Michael Hagander, André Stoll, Camill Trüeb, Jean-Marc Sujata, Felix Hoffmann, Joy Schuurmans Stekhoven, Josefine Quack, Hannes Zilly, Johannes Goedejohann, EP16172056.0, May 2016 

Flexible hollow needles and cantilevers and method for making thereof
Vincent Martinez, Janos Vörös, Tomaso Zambelli, EP16161648.7, March 2016

Method for manufacturing a three-dimensional object and apparatus for conducting said method
Luca Hirt, Stephan Ihle, Tomaso Zambelli, Janos Vörös, EP15187361.9, September 2015

Device and method for analyzing liquid samples,
Victoria deLange, Marco Habegger, Janos Vörös, EP15182428.1, Aug. 2015

external page Stretchable nanocomposite with tunable electrical strain-response
Vincent Martinez, Flurin Stauffer, Csaba Forró, Klas Tybrand, Janos Vörös, EP15171419.3, July 2015

Connecting structure for stretchable electronic part and method of manufacturing the same
Alexandre Larmagnac EP14192821.8, Nov 2014

Electrochemically engineered surface of hydrogels, particularly PEG hydrogels, for enhanced cellular penetration
B.R. Simona, V. Milleret, J. Vörös, M. Ehrbar

Microchannel-based cell capture device for the analysis of cellular content of samples
P. Nagy, J. Tóvári, A. Kígyós, J. Vörös, 2014, EP14168842

Method, device and system for spatially controlling the formation of a hydrogel electrochemically
V. Milleret, B.R. Simona, J. Vörös, M. Ehrbar

Sensor as biochip
J. Vörös, K. Sugihara, T. Zambelli, M. Nirschl
International publication number WO 2011/003583 A1

Chip for determination of molecular structures and functions
M. Di Berardino, J. Vörös, K. Sugihara, T. Zambelli
International publication number WO 2011/003586 A1

Vessel-Sealing Device with Limited Heat Damage, 2011, EP11155909

Prevention of bacterial adherence and growth in an urological implant
Daniel Eberli, Lukas Hefermehl, Michael Gabi, Alexandre Larmagnac, Janos Voros
Patent number: 8951241; July 6, 2011

HOERSTRUP, Simon P., ZÜND, Gregory, GABI, Michael, LARMAGNAC, Alexandra; VÖRÖS, Janos

Method for spatially manipulating a microscopic object and device for
conducting said method, 2010, Nr. 00249/10

Methods to Treat Neurological Diseases and Injury Using Flavonoid Glycosides
M. Zenobi-Wong, US provisionary patent submitted Sept 2010

Microwell Arrays for Direct Quantification of Analytes on a Flat Sample
P. Rajendran, M. Zenobi-Wong, J. Vörös, US Provisional Patent submitted August 2010.

Pdms-based stretchable multi-electrode and chemotrode array for epidural and subdural neuronal recording, electrical stimulation and drug delivery
J. Vörös, G. Courtine, A. Larmagnac, P. Musienko, EP 2582289 A1, 2010.

Probe arrangement for exchanging in a controllable way liquids with micro-sized samples of material like biological cells
P. Behr, M. Gabi, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli; PCT/EP2009/005393, US 8,986,626 B2

Device consisting of a channeled cantilever and a channeled probe holder
EP 08 013528.8, submitted July 2008, pending

Nanoparticle based amplification scheme for biosensing
D. Grieshaber, J. Vörös, US provisionary patent submitted May 2008

Closed Nano/Micro/Millimeter Sized Containers
T. Blättler, J. Vörös, US 60/983,959 October 2007

Nanoinjector with controlled force-feedback
US Provisionary patent in collaboration with CSEM Neuchatel, submitted May 2007

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