

Janos Vörös, Why does non-specific binding limit diagnostically relecant biosensors, Innovators in Analytical Sciences webinar series, 31 January 2025 (invited talk)


Léo Sifringer, Soft Electronics and Engineered Nerve-on-a-Chip: Developing a Biohybrid Neural Interface, MRS Fall Meeting 2024, Boston, USA. December 1-6, 2024. This talk received an Outstanding Doctoral Student Award

Léo Sifringer, A Multilayer Template Stripping Based Microtransfer Printing Process for Stretchable Electronics, MRS Fall Meeting 2024, Boston, USA. December 1-6, 2024.

Janos Vörös, FluidFM as an enabling tool in bioelectronics research, FluidFM Conference, 29 October 2024 , Zurich, Switzerland (invited talk)

Léo Sifringer, A biohybrid multichannel nerve model towards neural interfaces, CyBioEl24, Limassol, Cyprus. October 22-25, 2024.

Janos Vörös, Bottom-up neurosience, INI seminar, 4 October 2024 , Zurich, Switzerland (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, A physicist’s approach to neuroscience, SPS2024,  9-11 September 2024 , Zurich, Switzerland (invited talk)

Léo Sifringer, A soft, implantable nerve model on a chip towards biohybrid regenerative electronics, Biointerfaces International Conference 2024, Muttenz, Switzerland. August 20-23, 2024. (selected flash talk)

Christina Tringides, Fabricating tissue-like materials to mimic the nervous system, Cambridge Bioelectronics Symposium, Cambridge University (UK). July 1-3, 2024. (*This talk received the best oral presentation.) 

Janos Vörös, In vitro models of nervous system diseases - distant future or reality, University of Amsterdam, 1 July 2024 , Netherlands (invited talk)

Christina Tringides, Building hybrid technology platforms to mimic the nervous system, TU Delft. Invited seminar. June 21, 2024.

Janos Vörös, Why does non-specific binding limit diagnostically relevant biosensors?, MIP2024 , Verona (Italy) 19-21 June 2024, invited plenary talk

Tomaso Zambelli, Microscopie à force atomique et couplage microfluidique, Ecole thématique "SPECTROSCOPIES ET MICROSCOPIES DES INTERFACES : CONCEPTS ET COUPLAGES METHODOLOGIQUES", Nancy (FR), 28 - 31 May 2024, Invited lecture.

Tomaso Zambelli, Measuring cellular forces and currents with the FluidFM, University College Dublin (IR), 23 May 2024, Invited seminar.

Christina TringidesDesigning tissue-like materials for improved neural interfaces, Invited seminar. Linkoping University, Norrkoping, Sweden. May 6, 2024. 

Christina TringidesDeveloping multifunctional hydrogels for neural interfaces, Invited seminar. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. May 3, 2024. 

Christina Tringides, Designing materials to improve the interface with neural cells and systems, Invited seminar. ICN2, Bellaterra, Spain. April 23, 2024.

Tomaso Zambelli, How a cell reacts to an internally growing mechanical stimulus, NanoInBio 2024, Guadeloupe (FR), 14 - 20 April 2024, Invited talk

Blandine ClémentNerve model to study the diverse electrophysiological properties of human iPSC-derived nociceptive neuron subtypes, 4th In-Vitro 2D & 3D Neuronal Networks Summit, Zürich , 8 - 10 April 2024, selected short talk

Janos Vörös, In vitro models of nervous system diseases– distant future or reality, 3R Workshop, Zürich , 4 April 2024, invited talk

Blandine Clément, Nerve model to study the diverse electrophysiological properties of human iPSC-derived sensory neuron subtypes, iPSZurich Symposium, Zürich , 4 -5 April 2024, selected short talk
This talk received the best oral presentation award.

Tomaso Zambelli, 4D cell mechanics combining FluidFM with cTFM and FLIM, RMS AFM & SPM Meeting 2024, Durham (UK), 25 - 28 March 2024, Invited talk

Tomaso Zambelli, Applications of AFM for biology, RMS AFM & SPM Meeting 2024, Durham (UK), 25 - 28 March 2024, Invited general lecture

Christina Tringides, Understanding the Brain & Neural-Interface Materials, GRC Neuroelectronic Interfaces. Galveston, Texas. March 11, 2024. 


Tobias Ruff, Engineering a biohybrid neural interface towards synaptic deep brain stimulation, Materials Research Society, United States of America, 29 November, 2023, Talk.

Christina Tringides, Developing multifunctional hydrogels with tissue-like properties for improved biological interfaces, Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, USA. 28 November, 2023. Talk. 

Blandine Clément, Development of 3D hydrogel-based in vitro circuits with cocultures of human sensory neurons and Schwann cells
 Materials Research Society, Boston, MA, USA. 26 November, 2023. Talk.

Nako Nakatsuka, Translational Aptamer-Based Biosensors to Monitor Neurochemicals, Neuro-X Annual Research Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 20 November 2023, Invited talk

Tobias Ruff, A living biohybrid neural interface towards synaptic brain stimulation, NanoBioTech Montreux, Switzerland, 14 November, 2023, Talk.

Katarina Vulić, A living biohybrid neural interface for synaptic modulation of neural activity in the visual thalamus, Society for Neuroscience Conference, United States of America, 14 November, 2023, Talk.

Nako Nakatsuka, Polymeric Integration of Structure-Switching Aptamers on Transistors for Histamine Sensing, Faraday Discussion, Osaka, Japan, 6 November 2023, Invited keynote  

Nako Nakatsuka, Structure-Switching DNA Aptamers for Chemical Biosensing, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, Warsaw, Poland, 26 October 2023, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Translating Biotechnologies Beyond the Lab, Nucleate Bioleap, Virtual, 18 October 2023, Invited talk

Christina Tringides, Designing tissue-inspired materials for improved interfaces with biology, Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS), Malaga Spain, October 17, 2023. Invited talk.

Tobias Ruff, Engineering a biohybrid neural interface for sensory restoration, Universitätsklinikum Bonn, Germany, 16 October. 2023, Invited Talk.

Nako Nakatsuka, Unraveling Brain Chemistry using DNA-Based Biosensors, Tampere University Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, 12 October 2023, Invited talk

Christina Tringides, Designing multifunctional hydrogels for improved neural interfaces: from physiological model to implantable devices, Women Interactive Materials Award (WIMA), Aachen Germany, September 26, 2023. Finalist and laureate. 

Tobias Ruff, Engineering a biohybrid neural interface for vision restoration, Artificial Vision conference, Duisburg, Germany, 25 September. 2023, Talk.

Nako Nakatsuka, DNA-Based Sensors to Monitor Biological Systems, MaxCyte 19th Leadership Meeting, Georgetown, U.S.A., 19 September 2023, Invited talk

Christina Tringides, Bridging the tissue-material interface with multifunctional hydrogels, Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden,  18 September, 2023. Invited talk (colloquium).

Christina Tringides, Fabricating multifunctional hydrogels for improved neural interfaces, The Neuron-Glia Interface, Freiburg, Germany, 15 September, 2023. Selected short talk.  

Tobias Ruff, A living biohybrid neural interface for synaptic deep brain stimulation of the visual thalamus., Annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering, Basel, Switzerland, 13 September 2023, Talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Aptamer-Based Biosensors for Ex Vivo Neurotransmitter Monitoring, Bordeaux Neurocampus Seminar Series, Bordeaux, France, 9 September 2023, Invited talk  

Janos Vörös, Multicompartment nerve-on-a-chip model towards personalizing pain research and therapy, International Congress on Neuropathic Pain, Lisbon,  7-9 Sept. 2023, Invited Talk

Sinéad Connolly, Pick and Place of Neuronal Cells and Spheroids using FluidFM for the Construction of Neuronal Networks, external page FluidFM User Conference, Zürich, Switzerland, 06 Sep 2023, Invited Talk.

Nako Nakatsuka, Aptamer-Based Biosensors for Small-Molecule Sensing in Complex Biosystems, American Chemical Society (ACS) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 16 August 2023, ACS Nano Lectureship Award Symposium and Invited talk

Tomaso Zambelli, Effect of Cell Membrane Tension Dynamics on Piezo1: a combined FluidFM and FLIM-Flipper Study. August 4 2023, selected contributed talk.

Christina Tringides, Designing biomaterials to modulate the formation of neuronal networks, EBSA, Stockholm Sweden. August 2 2023, selected contributed talk. 

Nako Nakatsuka, Monitoring Brain Chemistry via Translational Neurotechnologies, Wyss Center Geneva, 24 July 2023, Invited talk  

Annina Stuber, Neurotransmitter Sensing via Ionic Flux Modulation Through Aptamer Conformational Rearrangement, 13th International Conference on Metamaterials and Plasmonics, Paris, France, 18 July 2023, Invited talk  

Christina Tringides, Tunable hydrogels scaffolds to support 3D neuronal networks, MPS, Berlin Germany. June 29 2023, selected contributed talk. 

Nako Nakatsuka, DNA Aptamer-Driven Neurochemical Biosensing, TU Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering Seminar, Munich, Germany, 20 June 2023, Invited talk

Tobias Ruff,  Engineering a biohybrid neural interface for synaptic stimulation of the visual thalamus, Cambridge Bioelectronics Symposium, 14 June 2023, Talk

Christina Tringides, Using hydrogels to build seamless interfaces between materials and biology, Cambridge University, 13 June 2023. Invited talk. 

Christina Tringides, Designing tissue-inspired materials: from the cell to organ scales, Wyss Center Geneva, 31 May 2023. Invited talk.

Janos Vörös, Neurons-on-a-chip – a bottom-up approach to neuroscience, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, 18 May 2023, Talk

Janos Vörös, Neurons-on-a-chip, Workshop on Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Daegu, Korea, 18 May 2023, Invited talk

Sinéad ConnollyPick and Place of Neuronal Cells and Spheroids using FluidFM for the Construction of Neuronal Networks, FluidFM Scientific Conference, Bejing, China, 18 May 2023, Invited Talk (Online).

Tobias Ruff, Restoring vision using biohybrid neural interfaces. Ringberg Alumni Meeting, 17 May 2023, Invited Talk.

Jens Duru and Janos Vörös, Go with the flow – inducing and tracking action potentials with CMOS MEAs, 3rd In-Vitro 2D & 3D Neuronal Networks Summit, Zurich, Switzerland, 15-17 May 2023, Invited Talk  

Janos Vörös, Molography, force-controlled nanopores and bottom-up neuroscience, IEE-MEMS conference, Jeju, Korea, 14-17 May 2023, Invited plenary talk

Léo Sifringer, Studying the mechanobiology of engineered in vitro nerves using a stretchable platform, IEEE NEMS 2023, Jeju, Korea. May 14-17, 2023.

Nako Nakatsuka, Engineering Small-Molecule Biosensors for Human Health, Distinguished Lecture in "Engineering with Living Materials", ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 8 May 2023, Invited talk

Christina Tringides, Developing tissue-like materials: from the organ to cell scales, ETH Zurich, Materials Science Colloquium. May 3, 2023, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Ex Vivo Nanoscale Serotonin Mapping with Electrophysiology, International Society for Serotonin Research (ISSR) Conference, Cancun, Mexico, 26 April 2023, Invited travel award recipient talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Bioanalytical Nanotools to Quantify Neurotransmitters in the Brain, ANAKON 2023, Vienna, Austria, 11 April 2023, Invited Keynote

Janos Vörös, Controlled small neural networks on a chip for bottom-up neuroscience, ME3T lectures at RWTH Aachen, Germany, 30 April 2023, Invited Talk

Janos Vörös, Non-specific binding, force-controlled nanopores and bottom-up neuroscience, Seminar at Miltenyi Biotech, Bergischgladbach, Germany, 29 April 2023, Talk

Christina Tringides, Building precise neuronal networks in 3D, Rice University, April 21 2023, Invited talk. 

Tomaso Zambelli, AFM in Biology, FORUM des Microscopies à Sonde Locale, Obernai, France, 6 April 2023, Invited general lecture

Nako Nakatsuka, Sensing Small Molecules in Complex Biological Systems, Empa Materials Meet Life Departmental Seminar, St Gallen, Switzerland, 17 March 2023, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Aptamer-Integrated Micro and Nanotechnologies to Quantify Small Molecules in Biosystems, D-BSSE Departmental Seminar, Basel, Switzerland, 15 March 2023, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Translation of DNA Aptamer Conformational Dynamics to Novel Bioanalytical Tools, UniDays Swiss Chemical Society, Virtual, 6 March 2023, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Monitoring Brain Chemistry via Translational Neurotechnologies, Neuro-X Seminar, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 27 February 2023, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Nanoscale Aptamer Biosensors to Monitor Brain Chemistry, iCanX Talks Young Scientist Award Symposium, Virtual, 3 February 2023, Invited talk

Janos Vörös, Brain- and nerve-on-a-chip for neuroscience and personalized medicine, Seminar at FHNW, Mutenz, Switzerland, 11 January 2023, Invited Talk


Sinéad Connolly, In Situ Spheroid Placement for the Construction of Functional Neuronal Networks, external page Matrix Biology Ireland Annual Meeting, Limerick, Ireland, 09 December 2022.

Christina TringidesTunable Tissue-Like Conductive Hydrogel Scaffolds for Neural Cell Differentiation, MRS Fall Meeting 2022, Boston, 1 December 2022

Jens DuruElectrochemically driven polymerization of pH sensitive polymers on high density microelectrode arrays for neural patterning in vitro, MRS Fall Meeting 2022, Boston, 1 December 2022

Nako Nakatsuka, Miniature Biosensors to Unravel Brain Diseases, 7th BEL-PEL Conference on Emerging Topics in Science, Basel, Switzerland, 19 November 2022, Invited talk

Sinéad ConnollyIsolation of Spheroids using Fluidic Force Microscopyexternal page Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, 30 September 2022.

Benedikt Maurer, Electrical stimulation of patterned neural networks in vitro at high spatial resolution, Joint Annual Conference of the Austrian, German and Swiss Societies for Biomedical Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, 28 September 2022, selected contributed talk.

Nako Nakatsuka, Interfacing Nanoscale Neurochemical Sensors with Neurons and Brain Tissue, Biointerfaces International Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 15 September 2022, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Electrochemical Aptamer Biosensors to Monitor Brain Chemistry, Human Electrochemistry Annual Symposium, Wageningen, Netherlands, 8 September 2022, Invited talk  

Mengjia Xu, Electrophysiology measurements using the FluidFM, AFM Biomed Conference, Nagoya – Okazaki, Japan, 30 August - 2 September 2022

Nako Nakatsuka, Aptamer-Modified Nanopipettes for Small-Molecule Biosensing, International Society of Electrochemistry Conference, Prague, Austria, 15 August 2022, Keynote Lecture

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM: a force-controlled pipette for single-cell mechanobiolgy and electrochemical 3D microprinting, 10 August 2022, 3M-Nano Conference, Tianjin (CN), Plenary Lecture

Nako Nakatsuka, Unraveling the Mysteries of Neuroscience using DNA-Based Biosensors, 5th International Conference of Young Researchers in Advanced Materials, Kyushu University, Japan, 3 August 2022, Invited talk (zoom)

Nako Nakatsuka, Nanoscale DNA-Gated Biosensors to Monitor Chemical Flux, Swiss Nanoconvention, Fribourg, Switzerland, 5 July 2022, Invited talk 

Janos Vörös, Stretchable bioelectronics - material aspects and medical applications, Workshop on Wearables and Digital Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Diseases and Neuroscience, Bern, Switzerland, 30 June 2022

Nako Nakatsuka, Nanoscale Aptamer-Modified Biosensors Monitor Dopamine and Serotonin Ex Vivo, Monitoring Molecules in Neuroscience, Lyon, France, 29 June 2022

Jens DuruControlling the formation of pH-driven polymer coatings on the micrometer scale using CMOS microelectrode arrays,  FEBS Advanced Lecture Course 2022, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 19-24 June 2022

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM for single-cell mechanobiology, 15 June 2022, iNano, Aarhus (DK), Invited Seminar

Nako Nakatsuka, Aptamer-Modified Nanopipettes for Neurochemical Sensing in Localized Brain Regions, Matrafured International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, 12 June 2022

Xinyu Zhang4D force detection of cell adhesion and contractility combining FluidFM and confocal reference-free TFM
NanoinBio, Guadeloupe, France, 1-5 June 2022

Xinyu Zhang, Probing electro-mechano properties of single cells, SENTINEL Training Workshop, 23-26 May 2022, Nice, France

Nako Nakatsuka, Harnessing Structure-Switching DNA for Small-Molecule Sensing, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry Monday Colloquium, 9 May 2022, Invited talk

Tobias Ruff, Retinal ganglion cell reinnervation of thalamic target structures, MRS Spring meeting 2022, 9 - 13 May 2022, Honolulu, USA

Janos Vörös, MEAs as key to bottom-up neuroscience, Maxwell User Seminar, April 6-7, Zurich, Switzerland

Julian Hengsteler, Bringing Electrochemical 3D Printing to the Nanoscale,
The 3DMM2O Conference: 3D Nano- to Micro-Manufacturing, 3 - 8 April 2022, Schöntal, Germany

Til Schlotter, Interface Nanopores as a Flexible Technology for Next-Generation Single-Molecule Protein Sensing,
66th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, 19 February 2022, San Francisco, USA

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM: A force-controlled pipette for in-vitro single cell investigations, January 2022, ESBS Strasbourg (FR), Invited Seminar (zoom).


J. Vörös, Starting bottom-up neuroscience with small “brains” on a chip, Organs on a ship conference, Nanjing University, 11 December 2021. (plenary)

Nako Nakatsuka, It Takes a Village –Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Creative Solutions with Real-World Impact, MIT Technology Review Big & Bold 2021 Event, 8 December 8 2021, Invited Seminar (zoom).

Til Schlotter, AFM-Controlled Interface Nanopores for Single Biomolecule Sensing and Neuron Secretion Analysis, NanoBioTech, 15 November 2021, Montreux, Switzerland

Nako Nakatsuka, Aptamer Biosensors to Unlock the Mysteries of Brain Chemistry, Imperial College London Bioengineering Department Seminar, 20 October 2021, Invited Talk (zoom).

Nako NakatsukaAptamer-Gated Nanopores for Neurochemical Sensing, Nanopore Weekly Meeting, 4 October 2021, Invited Talk (zoom).

J. Vörös, Why and how to build, modify and analyze controlled neural networks?, Zoom presentation at Hong Kong University, 29 September, 2021.

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM: Addressing single cells with a force-controlled pipette, September 2021, external page Cell.Nano talks (zoom).

J. Vörös, The bottom up neuroscience approach, Excite symposium, Zurich, 10 September, 2021.

Julian Hengsteler, Nanoscale Electrochemical 3D Printing, 72nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 29 August - 3 September 2021, Jeju Island, Korea (online)

Nako Nakatsuka, Next-Generation DNA-Based Biosensors for Neurochemical Detection, European Biosensors Symposium, 17 August 2021, Invited Keynote (zoom).

Nako Nakatsuka, DNA Aptasensors for Neurochemical Sensing in Complex Media, 30th Anniversary World Congress on biosensors, Busan, Korea, 26 July 2021 (virtual)

Til Schlotter, Force-Controlled Interface Nanopores for Single-Molecule and Single-Cell Secretion Sensing, 13th European Biophysics Conference, 24-28 July 2021, Vienna, Austria

J. Vörös, Bottom up neuroscience with well-defined neural networks, University of Basel, 19 May, 2021.

Nako Nakatsuka, Target-Induced Aptamer COnformational Changes in Nanopores Enables Neurochemical Sensing, 7th International Aptamers Conference, 14 April 2021 (virtual)

Nako Nakatsuka, Towards Simultaneous Neurochemical Sensing and Electrophysiology via Aptamer-Based Bioelectronics, European Biosensor Symposium, 9-12 March 2021 (virtual)

Til Schlotter, Cell Secretion Measurements using Force-Controlled Interface Nanopores, European Biosensor Symposium, 9-12 March 2021, online


Janos Vörös, How can we approach in vivo bioelectronics challenges with stretchable electronics?, MRS Fall meeting, 28 November - 4 December 2020, online, Invited talk

Janos Vörös, Conductive elastomers: Interesting composite materials for bioelectronics, Biointegrated Electronics and Materials On-line Seminar at Seoul National University, 17 November 2020, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Towards Chemical Sensing from Live Neurons via Aptamer-Modified Nanopipettes, Electrochemistry Webinar Series, 16 November 2020, Invited talk (zoom)

Til Schlotter, Single-Molecule Sensing of Cell Secretion using Force-Controlled Nanopores, 11 November 2020, Single-Molecule Sensors and nanoSystems International Conference (S3IC), online (planned: Barcelona, Spain)
This presentation won the prize for the best oral presentation of S3IC 2020

Janos Vörös, Conductive elastomers for stretchable bioelectronics, 2nd Virtual Mini-Symposium „Materials for the Digital Environment“, 30 September - 6 October 2020, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Aptamer Biosensing Strategies to Understand Brain Function, September 2020, Technologies for the Future International Workshop, Bolzano, Italy, Invited talk

Janos Vörös and PD Dr Michael Osthoff, Novel rapid, mobile, lab-independent and sensitive SARS-CoV-2 test at the point-of-need, to break the chain of infection, external page BRCCH webinar on “Insights into COVID-19 research”, 2 September 2020, online, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, DNA Aptamer-Functionalized Quartz Nanopipettes for Serotonin Sensing from Neurons, July 2020, Materials and Processes Graduate Symposium, Zürich, Switzerland

Ines LüchtefeldInvestigating the Influence of Membrane Pretension on Single Cell Mechanosensitivity With Force-Controlled Micropipettes,
February 2020, 64th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, Travel Awardee

Til Schlotter, Force-controlled nanopores for single cell sexcretion measurements using micro-channeled AFM cantilevers, 17 February 2020, 64th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (BPS), San Diego, USA


Dmitry Momotenko, Micro- and Nanoscale Electrochemical 3D Printing, December 2019, invited oral presentation, 27th International Colloquim on Scanning Probe Methods, ICSPM, Shuzenji, Japan

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM: a force-controlled pipette for single-cell manipulation and electrochemical 3D microprinting, December 2019, distinguished iNANO lecture, Aarhus, Denmark

Nako Nakatsuka, Microfluidic Integration on Microelectrode Arrays to Monitor Neurochemical Flux, November 2019, Neurofluidics Conference, Montpellier, France

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM: a force-controlled pipette, October 2019, microTAS 2019, Basel, Switzerland (invited lecture)

Nako Nakatsuka, Understanding Neuronal Communication Using DNA Aptamer Bioelectronics, October 2019, Open Innovation in Life Sciences Conference, Zürich, Switzerland

Dmitry Momotenko, Electrochemical 3D Printing: a Journey from Micro- to Nanoscale, October 2019, 10th Workshop on SECM: Recent Advances and Applications, Paris, France

Martin Holub, Measuring Temperature at the Nanoscale with Nanopipettes, September 2019, 10th Workshop on SECM: Recent Advances and Applications, Paris, France

Til Schlotter, Formation of force-controlled nanopores for protein sensing using micro-channeled afm cantilevers, 16 September 2019, Single Molecule Protein Sequencing (SMPS) conference, Jerusalem, Israel

Yves Blickenstorfer, Molographic Biosensing - Lable free biosensing with order, 2nd of September 2019, Conference on Nanophotonics, Foundations & Applications, Ascona, Switzerland

Nako Nakatsuka, Aptamer-Functionalized Bioelectronics to Sense Neurotransmitters in Neuronal Networks, 28th of August 2019, American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, US, Invited talk

Jaehong Lee, One-dimensional mechanical sensing systems in biomedical engineering, July 2019, EKC 2019, Wien, Austria, Invited talk

Jaehong Lee, One-dimensional stretchable electronics with metal nanomaterials: From wearable to implantable electronics, July 2019, The summer school 1D2D Nanomat, Bastia, France, Invited Keynote Lecture

Janos Vörös, Nanoscale bio(medical)sensors, 7th of June 2019, Swiss Nanoconvention, Lausanne, Switzerland, Invited plenary talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Harnessing Aptamer Conformational Change for Electronic Sensing of Neurotransmitters, 7th of June 2019, Dynamic Biosensors SwitchSense User Meeting, Munich, Germany

Jaehong Lee, One-dimensional Biomechanical Sensing System for Biomedical Applications, May 2019, ETH Zurich, Zurich (CH), Invited Seminar (Seminar on Medical Sensors and Data Processing)

Tomaso Zambelli, A force-controlled pipette with simultaneous ion current recording for perturbation of single cells in vitro, May 2019, Empa Dübendorf (CH), Invited Seminar

Janos Vörös, Stretchable electronics for in vivo and bottom-up neuroscience, 18th of April 2019, Seminar at the Department of Informatics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Invited talk

Jaehong Lee, Byron Llerena Zambrano, Aline Renz, Roland Küng, Janos Vöros, Implantable and Suturable One-Dimensional Strain Sensing System with Wireless Read-Out for Real-Time Tracking of Strain in Biomedical Applications, April 2019, 2019 MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, US

Janos Vörös, The dawn of bottom-up neuroscience, 8th of April 2019, Workshop on Neuroengineering, Porto, Portugal, Invited talk

Nako Nakatsuka, Sean Weaver, Janos Vörös, Aptamer-Functionalized Multi-Electrode Arrays for Chemical Sensing in Neuronal Networks, 6th International Aptamers Conference, April 2019, Oxford, UK

Jaehong Lee, Byron Llerena Zambrano, Aline Renz, Roland Küng, Janos Vöros, Suturable, Seamless, and Wireless Fiber Strain Sensing System for Real-Time Strain Monitoring in Biomedical Applications, March 2019, BioEl 2019, Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

Tomaso Zambelli, Serial adhesion measuring: from mammalian cells to bacteria, Feb 2019, International School "Emerging Tools for Biomechanics", Venezia (IT), Invited Lecture

Janos Vörös, Wearable and implantable biosensors - trends and challenges, 12th of Feb 2019, IEEE Digital Citizen symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, Invited talk


Janos Vörös, Bioelectronics challenges, 2nd of Dec 2018, KAIST, Seol, South Korea, Invited talk

Janos Vörös, Bioelectronics challenges related to modulating immune response, 29th of Nov 2018, Symposium on Engineering Systems for Modulating Immune Functions, KIST, Seol, South Korea, Invited talk

Janos Vörös, Stretchable biomedical electronics, 29th of Nov 2018, Yonsai University, Seol, South Korea, Invited talk

Tomaso Zambelli, Developments in FluidFM-based SICM, Nov 2018, Nanosurf User Meeting, Basel (CH), Invited Talk

Tomaso Zambelli, Force-controlled manipulation of single cells in vitro, Oct 2018, PhysBio2018, Paris-Sud (FR), Invited Talk

Tomaso Zambelli, A force-controlled pipette for the investigation of single-cell adhesion as well as for surface charge mapping, Oct 2018, INSERM Center of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Strasbourg (FR), Invited Seminar

Janos Vörös and Christof FattingerMaking molecules visible for diagnostics, Sept 5 2018, ETH Industry day, Zurich, Invited talk

Janos Vörös, Metal nanowires in elastomers, Sept 5 2018, ETH Materials Department Seminar, Zurich, Invited talk

Jaehong Lee, Byron Llerena Zambrano, Aline Renz, Janos Vöros, Conductive fiber-based seamless sensing system for monitoring biomechanical signals in biomedical applications, Aug 2018, EKC 2018, Glasgow, Scotland

Tomaso Zambelli, Livie Dorwling-Carter, Dmitry Momotenko, Janos Vöros, FluidFM and Electrophysiology: Simultaneous Recording of the Force and the Ionic Current with a Microchanneled AFM Cantilever, Aug 2018, 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Bologna (IT)

Tomaso Zambelli, Combining AFM and microfluidics and ionic current for versatile single-cell manipulation, Aug 2018, SPMonSPM, Leuven (BE) (Invited Talk)


Morteza Aramesh,Plasmonic-coupled sensors : from multiphoton-assisted quantum coupling to graphene-coupled subwavelength resonant strain sensors,  META 2018 Conference, Marseille, France 

Morteza Aramesh, Manipulation of Nanomaterials Using Ion Beams for Fabrication of Nanopores, FROM SOLID STATE TO BIOPHYSICS IX 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia 

Morteza Aramesh, Carbon coating of nanomaterials for biosensing, 3rd NanoBio Surfaces and Interfaces in Healthcare and Science Workshop 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland (Invited Lecturer)

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM technology for 2D patterning, 3D printing, and single-cell biology, June 2018, SPM-meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society, Leeds (UK), Invited Talk

Csaba Forro, Understanding the brain from the bottom up: small neural networks, From Solid State to Biophysics IX: From Basic to Life Sciences, June 2018

Ines Lüchtefeld, Time- and Force-Controlled Contact between Giant Unilamellar Vesicles and Lipid Bilayers with Simultaneous Fluorescence Intensity Measurement, EBSA Biophysics Course on Membrane and Lipid-Protein Interactions, 10-15 June 2018, La Grand Motte, France

Janos Vörös, Why do we need bottom-up neuroscience and how to do it?, 13th of June 2018, IBM Zurich, Invited talk

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM for force-controlled single-cell experiments: from adhesion quantification to injection-extraction, May 2018, Centre de Biochimie Structurale CNRS-INSERM, Montpellier (FR), Invited Seminar

Tomaso Zambelli, Force-controlled single-cell perturbation, May 2018, NanoInBio, Guadeloupe (FR), Invited Talk

Yves Blickenstorfer, Andreas Frutiger, Silvio Bischof, Volker Gatterdam, Christof Fattinger, Janos Vörös. Detection limits of diffraction-limited focal molography,  Photonics Europe, Strasbourg, April 2018

Janos Vörös, Microstructured nanoscale materials for bioelectronics, 26th of March 2018, AMN seminar, Brno, Check Republic,  Invited talk


Aline Renz, K. Tybrandt, F. Stauffer, G. Thompson-Steckel, J. Vörös. New Approach for High Performance PDMS Based Electrodes for Neuronal Recording and Stimulation. MRS Fall Meeting Boston, 2017

Tomaso Zambelli, Basics of Electrochemistry, REMISOL "Polarisation en milieu liquide et électrochimie", Lyon, France, November 2017. (Invited lecture)

Janos Vörös, Tools that enable bottom up neuroscience, NeuroFluidics, Grenoble, France, 23-24 November 2017. (Invited keynote)

Ines Lüchtefeld, A Force-Controlled Nanopipette for Single Neuron Manipulation and Adhesion Force Measurement, NeuroFluidics, Grenoble, France, 23-24 November 2017.

Janos Vörös, The hand-held diagnostics challenge, MOSE Technology Apero, Basel, Switzerland, 17 November 2017. (Invited)

Tomaso Zambelli, Electrochemical additive manufacturing of metal microstructures with the FluidFM, Symposium "Beyond! 2D", Ringberg castle, Germany, October 2017. (Invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli, Electrochemical additive manufacturing of metal microstructures with the FluidFM, Smart Manufacturing Seminar Series "Micro Additive Manufacturing-Metals", Chicago, IL, US, October 2017. (Invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM: a force-controlled pipette for single-cell perturbation, Symposium "Novel tools to investigate cellular physiology at the nanoscale", Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, September 2017. (Invited talk)

Cathelijn van Nisselroy, L.D. Hirt, A.S. Hirt, R. Spolenak, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli. FluidFM: a platform for 3D additive manufacturing of metals at the micron scale. Annual SSBE Meeting 2017, 30 August, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Ines Lüchtefeld, Manipulation of Single Neurons and Defined Neural Circuits, Annual SSBE Meeting 2017, Winterthur, Switzerland, 30 August 2017.

Janos Vörös, Interacting with neurons using bioelectronics, Opening of the Bioelectronics Center, Nanjing, China, 9-10 June 2017. (Invited keynote)

Janos Vörös, Stretchable electronics for biomedical applications, EMRS, Strasbourg, France, 22-24 May 2017. (Invited keynote)

Tomaso Zambelli, Development of the FluidFM: results, challenges, and surprises combining AFM and microfluidics, Symposium "Nanosurf - 20th Anniversary", Basel, Switzerland, June 2017. (Invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli, L Hirt, J. VörösFluidFM for Electrochemical Additive Manifacturing of Metal Microstructures. ECS 2017, New Orleans, LA, US June 2017.

Janos Vörös, Bioelectronics challenges, IBT seminar, ETH Zurich, 16 May 2017.

Janos Vörös, New stretchable electronics for incontinence implants, Innovating for Continence, Chicago, US, 20-21 April 2017. (Invited)

Janos Vörös, The non-specific binding problem and the diagnostics challenge, Seminars at U. of Toronto and Waterloo U., Canada, 5-6 April 2017. (Invited)

Morteza Aramesh, Multifunctional Carbon/Alumina Nanoparticles for DNA Sensing. 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials in Lisbon, Portugal, 6-10 March 2017.

Greta Thompson-Steckel, A. Renz, K. Tybrandt, C. Forró, S. Weydert, M.J. Aebersold, S. Weaver and J. VörösHigh-throughput integration of well-defined neural networks with microelectrode arrays to probe effects of electrical stimulation. 4th International Winter School on Bioelectronics. Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria, 11-18 March 2017. 
(Awarded Nature Materials Best Talk Award)

Janos Vörös, Is stretchability good for bioelectronics?, 4th International Winter School on Bioelectronics. Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria, 11-18 March 2017. (Invited)

Tomaso ZambelliFluidFM and single cells: sub-compartmental sampling as well as chemical stimulation, March 2017, Symposium “Nanoengineering for Mechanobiology”, Camogli (IT) (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Bioelectronics challenges, IBM Rüschlikon, Switzerland, 28 March 2017. (Invited)

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM: a force controlled pipette for single-cell manipulation in vitro, Jan 2017, Brainstorming “Biomimetism”, Firmenich SA, Geneva, Switzerland (Invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Advanced surface modification techniques to control the growth of neurons in vitro, SAOG Meeting. Fribourg, Switzerland, 26-27 January 2017. (Invited)

Morteza Aramesh, Multifunctional Carbon/Alumina Nanoparticles for DNA Sensing, 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (HYMA) 2017, Lisbon, Portugal 

Morteza Aramesh,  Manipulation of Nanomaterials Using Ion Beams—Toward Scalable Fabrication of Solid-State Nanopore, France Nanotech 2017, Paris, France 


Janos Vörös, Stretchable electronics for spinal cord stimulation and bladder control, Wallenberg symposium, Linköping, Sweden, 8-9 December 2016 (invited talk)

Christopher A. R. Chapman, Neuronal Patterning on Neurotrophic Nanoporous Gold Interfaces for Enhanced Electrophysiological Recording Performance, Neurofluidics conference, Grenoble, France, 28 November 2016

Janos Vörös, Micro- nano technologies for analyzing tiny samples and manipulating single cells, seminar at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 23 November 2016 (invited talk)

Aline Renz, G. Thompson-Steckel, K. Tybrandt, J. Vörös, Fabrication of a soft and stretchable multielectrode array for 3D neural networks, 4th International Conference on Medical Bionics, Brisbane, Australia, 20-23 November 2016

Janos Vörös, Stretchable electronics for spinal cord stimulation and in vivo strain sensing, 4th International Conference on Medical Bionics, Brisbane, Australia, 20-23 November 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Molography - a new sensing concept based on controlling molecular interactions at the sub-micron scale, NCCR-MOSE Technology Apero, Basel, Switzerland, 10 November 2016 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli, FluidFM for single cell manipulation, Oct 2016, Università di Napoli “Federico II” (invited seminar)

Flurin Stauffer, K. Tybrandt, M. Schneider, V. Martinez, M. Schwab, T. Kessler, J. Vörös, Soft & Stretchable Electronics for Interfacing Muscle & Nervous Tissue, BMT 2016, "Dreiländertagung", Swiss, Austrian 
and German Societies of Biomedical Engineering, October 2016, Basel, Switzerland

Tomaso Zambelli, Development of the FluidFM and its applications for 2D patterning as well as 3D microprinting, Oct 2016, Università di Napoli “Federico II” (invited seminar)

Janos Vörös, Techniques to control the growth of Neurons 2D and 3D, ETH-Chalmers Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, 3 October 2016 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli, Force-controlled patch clamp of beating cardiac cells,  VII Cardiac MEC and Arrhythmia Workshop, Freiburg an Breislau (DE), Sept 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, New technologies for analyzing tiny samples and manipulating single cells, Seminar at PSI, Villigen, Switzerland, 29 September 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Graft copolymer based surface modification of biosensors, the PLL-g-PEG story, Roche workshop on assay surfaces, Buonas, Switzerland, 28-30 August 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Creating well-defined neural networks in 2D and 3D, BioInterfaces International, Zurich, Switzerland, 23-25 August 2016 (invited talk)

Mathias Aebersold, T. Zambelli, J. Vörös, Liquid flow characterization of the FluidFM – how much chemicals do I really have at the tip?, 5th Flex-FPM & FluidFM User Meeting, Würzburg, Germany, 4 July 2016

Janos Vörös, Implanted stretchable electronics for spinal cord injury rehabilitation, IMPRESS, Leeds, UK, 20-21 June 2016 (invited talk)

Livie Dorwling-Carter, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli, The Fluidic Force Microscope: a versatile tool for force-controlled electrophysiology, NANOinBIO Conference, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, 31 May - 5 June, 2016

Raphael F. Tiefenauer, B. Dielacher, J. Junesch, K. Tybrandt, J. Vörös: Complementary Dual Biosensing with Novel Ultrathin Gold Nanohole Films, NANOinBIO Conference, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, 31 May - 5 June, 2016

Tomaso Zambelli: FluidFM for 3D metal microprinting as well as single cell extraction, From solid state physics to biophysics VIII, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-11 June, 2016 (invited talk)

Csaba Forro: The importance of controled neural networks, From solid state physics to biophysics VIII, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-11 June, 2016 (invited talk)

Vincent Martinez, J. Polesel-Maris, U. Drechsler, C. Forró, S. Weydert, J. Vörös, L. Demkó and T. Zambelli: Microfabricated Hollow SU-8 Cantilevers & Potential for Neuron Research, NANOinBIO Conference, Guadeloupe, France, 31 May - 5 June, 2016.

Volker Gatterdam, Christof Fattinger, Andreas Drechsler, Michael Glauser, Nenad Milicevic, Klaus-Peter Stengele, Thomas Luebbers, Dieter Heindl, Janos Vörös: Focal molography: Direct monitoring of noncovalent biospecific interactions between
unlabeled biomolecules in real time, 25 May 2016, Biosensors, Gotheburg, Sweden (keynote)

Livie Dorwling-Carter, D. Ossola, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli: Force-controlled Patch Clamp and Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy with the FluidFM, 7th AFM BioMed Conference, Porto, Portugal, 11-15 April 2016 (Awarded presentation in the student category).

Janos Vörös, Bioelectronics at the micro-nano scale, Seminar at Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 12 April 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Educational lecture - why studying bioelectronics, Seminar at Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 13 April 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Next generation biosensors based on nanotechnology, miniaturized immunofiltration, plasmonic coupled particles and molography, Seminar at BioMedX, Heidelberg, Germany, 11 April 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Nanotechnology approached for analytics and localized biochemistry with the FluidFM, Seminar at UC Riverside, Riverside, US, 17 March 2016 (invited talk)

A. Tanno, P. Hettegger and J. Vörös: Electrochemical Biosensing Assay for Handheld Point-of-Care Diagnostics, NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering Lunch Meeting, Basel, Switzerland, 16 March 2016

Janos Vörös, New biosensing concepts, 251st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, US, March 13-17, 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Challenges for bioelectronics, MaP Sandpit, Zurich, Switzerland, 8 February 2016 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös, Nanotechnology based diagnostics, Seminar at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 10 January 2016 (invited talk)


Janos Vörös: “What does the fox say” (about nanotechnology for diagnostics)?, Nano for Health Workshop, Gothenborg, Sweden, 16-17 Dec 2015 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös: Stretchable Electronics for Spinal Cord Stimulation and Strain Sensing, MRS conference, Boston, USA, 29 Nov – 4 Dec, 2015 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli: Force controlled electrophysiology; EABS workshop, Orsay (FRA); 18-19 November 2015 (keynote lecture)

Greta Thompson-Steckel, H. Dermutz, V. de Lange, L. Demko, J. Vörös; Patterned paper-based 3D neural cultures to study network dynamics on multielectrode arrays, The 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS), Gyeongju, Korea, 25-29 October 2015

Janos Vörös: Next Generation Bioanalytics, Korean-Swiss Workshop on Life Science Technologies, Seoul, Korea, 21-23 October, 2015 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös: Micro- Nano- Scale Electronic Devices for Neurosciences, Workshop at National Taiwan University, 20 Oct 2015 (invited talk)

Volker Gatterdam, Christof Fattinger, Klaus-Peter Stengele, Thomas Luebbers, Dieter Heindl, Janos Vörös; Molography applied to live cellular measurements, 6th Roche Post-Doc Fellowship Symposium, 13 October, Copenhagen, Denmark

Luca Hirt, R. Cornut, T. Berthelot, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli; FluidFM: Combining AFM and microfluidics for local electrochemistry; SECM8: 8th International Workshop on Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, Xiamen (China), 09-13 October 2015

Janos Vörös: Micro- Nano- Opportunities in Bioanalytics, Life Science Week, Basel, 22-23 September, 2015 (invited talk)

Raphael F. Tiefenauer, B. Dielacher, J. Junesch, K. Tybrandt, J. Vörös; Fabrication and Application of Ultrathin Gold Nanohole Films as Complementary Dual Sensing Platform; 41st Micro and Nano Engineering Conference, The Hague (NL), 21 - 24 September 2015

Janos Vörös: Forming Neuron Networks with Controlled Topology in 2D and 3D, Bernstein Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, Sept 14-17, 2015 (invited talk)

Raphael F. Tiefenauer, B. Dielacher, J. Junesch, K. Tybrandt, J. Vörös; Simultaneous Electrical and Plasmonic Sensing with Gold Nanostructures: Device Fabrication and Applications; 4th International Symposium on Sensor Science, Basel (CH), 13-15 July 2015

Janos Vörös: Stretchable Electronics for Spinal Cord Stimulation, IEEE workshop on packaging technology, Rotkreuz, June 18, 2015 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös: The Attinebility of Nanoparticles, SNC 2015, Neuchatel, 28 May, 2015 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös: Bioelectronic Devices that Interact with Biology at the Micro-Nano Scale; 275 Years Jubilee Symposium of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Linköping, S; 22-23, April, 2015

Tomaso Zambelli: FluidFM and biointerface: from cell adhesion to local patterning; 5th ISSIB 2015, Sydney (AUS); 7-10 April 2015 (keynote lecture)

Klas Tybrandt, Flurin Stauffer, Janos Vörös, Patterning and properties of soft stretchable conductors based on silver nanowires, MRS Spring Meeting, 6-10 
April 2015, San Francisco, USA

Flurin Stauffer, Vincent Martinez, Mohammed Adagunodo, Janos Vörös, Alexandre Larmagnac: Conductive Elastomers For Implantable Compliant Microelectrode Arrays; BioEL 2015, 2nd International Winterschool on Bioelectronics, Kirchberg in Tirol (AT), 28 February - 7 March 2015

Klas Tybrandt, Flurin Stauffer, Alexandre Larmagnac, Janos Vörös; Soft stretchable conductors for multielectrode arrays; BioEL 2015, 2nd International Winterschool on Bioelectronics, Kirchberg in Tirol (AT), 28 February - 7 March 2015

Raphael F. Tiefenauer, B. Dielacher, J. Junesch, J. Vörös; Iodide Detection and More: Ultrathin Gold Films with Nanoholes as Biosensing Platform; BioEL 2015, 2nd International Winterschool on Bioelectronics, Kirchberg in Tirol (AT), 28 February - 7 March 2015

Volker Gatterdam, Christof Fattinger, Andreas Drechsler, Michael Glauser, Nenad Milicevic, Klaus-Peter Stengele, Thomas Luebbers, Dieter Heindl, Prof. Janos Vörös; Focal molography: Direct monitoring of noncovalent biospecific interactions between unlabeled biomolecules in real time; Label-free Technologies; Cambridge, MA, USA; 12-14.March 2015

Janos Vörös: Bioelectronic Devices that Interact with Biology at the Micro-Nano Scale; Biomedical Engineering Workshop at the American University of Beirut; Lebanon; 18-21, February, 2015

Andreas Frutiger, Volker Gatterdam, Christof Fattinger, Janos Vörös, Focal Molography as a novel diffractive biosensing method for handheld devices, BiosCrete2015 Workshop, IMBB-FORTH, Heraklion (GR), 16-18 February 2015

Raphael F. Tiefenauer, B. Dielacher, J. Junesch, J. Vörös; Iodide Detection and More: Ultrathin Gold Films with Nanoholes as Sensing Platform; BiosCrete2015 Workshop, IMBB-FORTH, Heraklion (GR), 16-18 February 2015

Janos Vörös: Nanotechnology based optical biosensors; BiosCrete2015 Workshop; Heraklion, Gr; 16-19, February, 2015


Dario Ossola; Force controlled patch clamp using atomic force microscopy; AFM BioMed 2014; San Diego, CA, USA, 13-17 December 2014. (Awarded presentation in the student category)

Harald Dermutz; In vitro guidance of developing neural Networks; AFM BioMed 2014; San Diego, CA, USA, 13-17 December 2014

Janos Vörös; Stretchable electronics for spinal cord stimulation, Workshop "Bioelectronics inside", Dresden, D, 26 Nov 2014 (invited talk)

Klas Tybrandt; Biosensors and Bioelectronics - Opportunities for IoT; IoT360 Workshop "Innovating beyond IoT", Rome (ITA), October 28, 2014 (invited talk)

Victoria de Lange; The FoRe Microarray: 3D Multiplexing in Clinical Samples; 4th Global Reverse Phase Protein Array Workshop, Paris (FR), October 24-25, 2014 (invited talk).

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: combining AFM and microfluidics for single-cell perturbation in vitro; nanoBio&Med 2014, Barcelona (ES), November 2014 (invited talk).

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM for nanoparticle lithography in liquid environment; 3M-NANO 2014, Taipei (TW), October 2014 (invited talk).

Tomaso Zambelli; Force controlled manipulation of single cells with the FluidFM; Humanitas Reserach Center, Milano (IT), October 2014 (invited seminar).

Florian Kehl: Development of an integrated, label-free, waveguide grating based biosensor platform for on-the-spot measurements and online monitoring of toxins and pollutants in food production processes and in the aquatic environment; Scientific Symposium: Small Solutions for Big Water-Related Problems - Innovative microarrays and small sensors to cope with water quality and food security; Rome (Italy), October 26-28, 2014 (invited talk).

Janos Vörös; Micro-Nano Opportunities in Biosensing, Innovative Surfaces Meeting, Brugg, CH, 2 Oct 2014 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: a Force-Controlled Nanopipette for Spatially Resolved Stimulation of Electrochemical Reactions under the Tip Aperture; 65th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Lausanne (CH), September 2014 (invited talk).

Janos Vörös: Interfacing Biology with Electronics at the Micro-Nano Scale; Meeting of the Swiss Society of BME, Zurich, CH, 27-28 Aug 2014 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös: Bioelectronic Concepts: Hand-held Diagnostics, Nanoscale Fluidics and Stretchable Electronics; UC Irvine, Dept. Biomedical Engineering, Irvine, CA, USA, 21 July 2014 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös: Micro- and Nanotechnology based Tools for Diagnostics and Experimental Neuroscience; Swissnex Boston, USA, 1st of July 2014 (invited talk)

Valeria Lotito, Tomaso Zambelli: “Large area plasmonic patterns on graphene by self-assembly and nanosphere lithography"; 4th International Colloids Conference – Surface Design and Engineering, Madrid, Spain, 15-18 June 2014 (Keynote oral presentation)

Benjamin Simona; Coagulation at the blood-electrode interface: The role of electrochemical desorption and degradation of Fibrinogen; Gordon Research Seminar on Biointerface Science, Il Ciocco (Italy), June 2014. (Awarded presentation in the student category)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: a Force-Controlled Nanopipette for Surface and Single-Cell Manipulation in Liquid; From Solid State to Biophysics VII, Dubrovnik (HR), June 2014 (invited lecture).

Klas Tybrandt, Suresh Babu Kollipara, Magnus Berggren; Organic electrochemical transistors for signal amplification in fast scan cyclic voltammetry, ICOE 2014, June 11-13, Modena, Italy

Klas Tybrandt, Erik Gabrielsson, Karin Larsson, Agneta Richter-Dahlfors, Magnus Berggren; Iontronics for Transduction of Electronic Signals into Biological Stimuli, E-MRS 2014 Spring Meeting, 2014 May 26-30, Lille, France (invited talk)

Juliane Junesch, Takumi Sannomiya, Janos Vörös,; Ultrathin Suspended Nanopores with Surface Plasmon Resonance for Biosensing, 3rd Bilateral Workshop, ETH-Chalmers, 2014 May 12-14, Gothenburg, Sweden

Janos Vörös: Micro- and Nanotechnology Based Tools for Experimental Neuroscience; Penn State University, Dept. of Physics, State College, USA, 6 May 2014 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli;FluidFM: a nanotechnology tool for force controlled single-cell manipulation of individual cells in vitro; Unispital Zürich, April 2014 (invited seminar).

Janos Vörös: Nanotechnology for Biosensing: Does it Make Sense?; NanoSafe 2014, Morgantown, USA, 26 Apr 2014 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös: Plasmonic Promises; Penn State University, Optical Society Student Association, State College, USA, 2 Apr 2014 (invited talk)

Benjamin Simona; Coagulation at the blood-electrode interface: an electrochemical QCM study; Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials Conference, Aahrus (Denmark), March 2014.

Janos Vörös:Micro- and Nanotechnology Based Tools for Biosensing and Neuroscience; Penn State University, Dept. of Chemistry, State College, USA, 6 March 2014 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös:Micro- and Nanotechnology Based Tools for Biosensing and Neuroscience; Penn State University, Dept. of Engineering Science and Mechanics, State College, USA, 26. Feb 2014 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös: Interfacing Biology with FluidFM; Nanosurf Workshop at MIT, Boston, USA 12 Feb 2014 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM for mechanobiology and force-controlled single-cell manipulation; International School "Nanomechanics of biomolecular adhesion", Venezia (IT), January 2014 (invited lecture).


Janos Vörös ; Micro- and Nanotechnology based Tools and Opportunities in Biomedical Research
Xmas lecture at the Sheffield-Leeds Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecular Scale Engineering, UK, Sheffield, 16 Dec 2013 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös ;Micro nano tools that might be useful for neurosciences
Seminar at Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, CH, 6 Dec 2013 (invited talk)

Juliane Junesch, Takumi Sannomiya; A novel fabrication technique for suspended plasmonic nanopore sensing devices
12th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN-12), Tsukuba J, 4-8 Nov 2013

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM technology for force-controlled electrophysiology; Centro di Eccellenza per la Ricerca Tossicologica, Università degli Studi di Parma (IT), October 2013 (invited seminar).

Janos Vörös ;Tailoring the bioelectronic interface
IVC 19, Paris, F, 9-13 Sept 2013 (invited talk)

Juliane Junesch; Fabrication and Characterization of Suspended Plasmonic Nanopore Membranes for Biosensing Applications
IVC 19 Paris F, 9-13 Sept 2013

Janos Vörös ;Micro- nano tools and possibilities in biomedical research
Meeting of the Hungarian Biophysical Society, Veszprem, H, 27-30 Aug, 2013 (invited plenary talk)

Janos Vörös ;Controlling the biointerface using potentials and currents
BioInterface conference, San Feliu de Guixols, S, 1-5 July 2013 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös ;Bioelectronics: a tool to interact with cells and biomolecules on the nanometer scale
Seminar at Linköping University, S, 25 Jun 2013 (invited talk)

Mathias Aebersold, H. Dermutz, J.F. Saenz Cogollo, L. Demkó, T. Zambelli, J. Vörös; Stimulating neuronal cultures by local release of neurotransmitters using the FluidFM as a forcecontrolled nanopipette combined with MEAs for electrical activity recording; UK SPM, Leeds, UK, June 2013

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: combining AFM and microfluidics for single-cell and nanoparticle manipulation in liquid; Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago Blackhawks (IL, USA), June 2013 (invited seminar).

Tomaso Zambelli; Force-controlled injection and dispensing in liquid using the FluidFM; OMICS Biosensors&Bioelectronics Conference, Chicago Blackhawks (IL, USA), June 2013 (invited talk).

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: combining AFM and microfluidics for single-cell manipulation; NanoBioEurope2013 Conference, Toulouse (FR), June 2013 (invited talk).

Janos Vörös ;Micro- nano approaches to interact with cells and biomolecules
Seminar at C-CINA, Basel, CH, 14 May, 2013 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; History of FluidFM and present research directions; 2nd European FluidFM Workshop, Liestal (CH), May 2013 (invited talk).

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: combining AFM and microfluidics for lithography and single-cell manipulation in liquid; Italian Institute of Technology, Genova (IT), Apr 2013 (invited seminar).

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM technology: from single-cell manipulation to nanoparticle lithography; COST AFM4nanomed&bio Workshop, Camogli (IT), Apr 2013 (invited talk).

Tomaso Zambelli; P. Dörig, E. Potthoff, O. Guillaume-Gentil, R.R. Grüter, J. Vörös, J.A. Vorholt; FluidFM and single-cells: adhesion, patterning and injection; XVIe FORUM des microscopies à sonde locale, Spa (Belgium), March 2013 (oral presentation)

Janos Vörös ;Controlling biomolecules and cells with electronics and fluidics
Seminar at Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, S, 26 Feb, 2013 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM technology: from single-cell manipulation to nanoparticle lithography; University Twente (NL), MESA+ NanoLab, Technical Colloquium, Feb. 2013 (invited seminar)

Tomaso Zambelli; Cytosolic and intranuclear force-controlled injection using the FluidFM; Zing Conference on NanoBioMaterials, Lanzarote (ES), Feb. 2013 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös ;Polyelectrolytes and electrochemistry: a powerful combination to interface cells
Seminar at Delft University of Technology, NL, Jan 30, 2013 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös ;Bioelectronics: a tool to interact with cells and molecules on the nanometer scale
Seminar at National Taiwan University, Jan 18, 2013 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös ;Electrical control of biomolecules and cells
3rd Molecules and Materials Meeting, Singapore, Jan 14-16, 2013 (invited talk)


Alexandre Larmagnac, N.Wenger, P. Musienko, J. Vörös, G. Courtine; Using Conductive PDMS To Produce Stretchable Multi-Electrode Array For Epidural Electrical Stimulation of Paralyzed Rats; MEA Meeting, Reutlingen, Germany, July. 2012.

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM technology: combining AFM and microfluidics for operation in liquid; Universität Zürich (CH), Dec. 2012. (invited seminar)

Raphael Grüter, Janos Vörös, Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM as lithography tool in liquid: spatially controlled deposition of nanoparticles; 38th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, Toulouse FR, September 2012

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM, a novel nanotechnology tool for single-cell manipulation; World MedTech Forum, Lucerne (CH), Sept 2012. (invited talk)

R. Zahn, K. Bickel, R. Schuster, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli; The entropy of water in exponentially growing polyelectrolyte multilayers; 7th International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2012.

Janos Vörös; Nanotechnology and electronics for single cell studies; Inserm workshop 218, Bordeaux, F, Sept 24-25, 2012 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Electronic control of biointerfaces to interact with cells at the micro- nano- scale; 10th Conference on Colloid Chemistry, Budapest, H, Aug. 29-31, 2012 (invited plenary talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM technology: from single-cell manipulation to nanoparticle lithography in liquid environment; Université Claude-Bernard Lyon (FR), July 2012. (invited seminar)

Florian Kehl, Thomas Guillod; Combined FEM and analytical method for the simulation and optimization of planar dielectric waveguide grating biosensors; 8th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures, Zürich, Switzerland, July 2-4, 2012.

Janos Vörös; Plasmonic biosensing: limitations and chances; Meeting of the Swiss Physics Society, Zürich, CH, June 21-22, 2012 (invited talk)

Alex Tanno, Norma Graf, Tomaso Zambelli, Janos Vörös; Platform for Electrochemically Stimulated Release; NanoBio-Europe conference, Varese, Italy, June 2012

Janos Vörös; Bioelectronics at the micro-nano scale; EMPA, St. Gallen, CH, June 19, 2012 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Bioelectronics: a Tool and a Purpose to Cross the Interface between Solid-State and Biophysics; From Solid States to Biophysics conference, June 10-15, Dubrovnik, Cr, (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: a force-controlled nanosyringe for single-cell studies and more; 4th International Conference SMART Materials-Structures-Systems, CIMTEC 2012, Montecatini Terme (Italy), June 2012. (invited talk)

R. Zahn, G. Coullerez , J. Vörös, T. Zambelli; Electron transport in redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers; 8th MRC Graduate Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2012.

Janos Vörös; Micro-Nanoelectronics for Biomedical Applications; IBM seminar, Rüschlikon, May 29, 2012 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Biosensors and Bioelectronics at the Micro-Nano-Scale; IBT Seminar, ETH Zurich, May 29, 2012

Janos Vörös; Ions Molecules and Cells at Electrodes; 65th IUVSTA Workshop, Cheshire, UK, May 14-18, 2012 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM for local modification of surfaces and viable cells in liquid environment; Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich (DE), May 2012. (invited seminar)

E. Thomasson, R. Zahn, O. Guillaume-Gentil, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli; Ion-induced cell sheet detachment from standard cell culture surfaces coated with polyelectrolytes; E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 14-18 May 2012

Janos Vörös; Electrically Controlled Release of Molecules and Cells from PEMs; Biomimetic Functional Materials, Golm, D, May 9, 2012 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM technology: from single-cell manipulation to nanoparticle lithography; CEA Saclay (FR), May 2012. (invited seminar)

Janos Vörös; Bioelectronics at the Micro-, Nano- Scale; Linz University, A, April 30, 2012 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Optical Biosensors; School on Surface Analytical Techniques, Regensburg, April 10-13, 2012 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Two Success Stories of Bioelectronics; Medtech Event, ETH Zurich, CH, March 22, 2012 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; Nanotechnology tools to address cells in vitro; SANOFI R&D center, Montpellier (FR), Mar 2012. (invited seminar)

R. Zahn, K. Bickel, R. Schuster, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli; Redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers: all about ion-exchange and entropy of water; Swiss Soft Days 7th Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, February 2012.

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: implementing nanofluidics into atomic force microscopy for single-­cell manipulation in liquid environment; 2nd bilateral workshop Chalmers University - ETH Zurich, Feb 2012. (invited talk)

Kaori Sugihara; Lipid nanotubes for label-free cell contractility recording; 2nd bilateral workshop Chalmers University - ETH Zurich, Feb 2012. (invited seminar)


Alexandre Larmagnac, P. Musienko, J. Vörös, G. Courtine; Skin-Like PDMS-Based Multi-Electrode Array For Epidural Electrical Stimulation To Promote Locomotion In Paralyzed Rats, EMBEC, Budapest, Hungary, 2011.

Janos Vörös; Bioelectronics at the Micro- Nano- Scale
NanoBioTech, Montreaux, CH, Nov 14-16, 2011 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Combining Self-Assembly Systems with Nanotechnology and Electronics for Biomedical Applications
IBM seminar, Rüschlikon, CH, June 4, 2011 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Combining Self-Assembly Systems with Nanotechnology and Electronics for Single Cell Analytics
Roche seminar, Basel, CH, May 3, 2011 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Combining Self-Assembly Systems with Nanotechnology and Electronics for Biomedical Applications
Chalmers, S, March 23, 2011 (invited talk)

Bernd Dielacher, R. MacKenzie, B. Päivänranta, A. Langner, J. Vörös; Novel Metal Nanowire Arrays Combine Optical and Electrical Biosensing Approaches; 2nd Nano Today Conference, Hawaii USA, December 2011.

Raphael Grüter, Pascal Behr, Michael Gabi, Janos Vörös, Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM as lithography tool in liquid: spatially controlled deposition of nanoparticles; 2nd Nano Today Conference, Hawaii USA, December 2011

Tomaso Zambelli; Polyelectrolyte multilayers on electrodes: science and engineering; TU Munich (Germany), Nov 2011. (invited seminar)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM for single-cell biology: from single-virus infection to fungi adhesion; ISE Montpellier (France), Oct 2011. (invited seminar)

Janos Vörös; Nanotechnology and Electronics for Single Cell Analytics
MIPTEC, Basel, CH, Sept 18-21, 2011 (invited talk)

Pablo Dörig, P.Stiefel, J. Vörös, J. Vorholt, T. Zambelli; FluidFM: Towards a standard tool for microbiology - Manipulation of single cells; AFM Biomed 2011, Paris, France, September 2011.

R. Zahn, K. Bickel, R. Schuster, F. Boulmedias, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli, Microcalorimetric studies on ion and water exchange in redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers; 242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Denver, USA, September 2011

Pablo Dörig, P.Stiefel, J. Vörös, J. Vorholt, T. Zambelli; Single cell displacement and injection: Applications of FluidFM technology; ESF Research Conference on Biological Surfaces And Interfaces, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, June 2011.

Janos Vörös; Polyelectrolytes at electrodes: a tool for biosensors and bioelectronics; Symposium on Chemistry, Bioscience & Biomaterials for Bio-Eco & Bio-Med Technology, Lausanne, CH, June 9 & 10, 2011 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli, R. Grüter, P. Behr, M. Gabi, J. Vörös; FluidFM as lithography tool in liquid: spatially-controlled deposition of nanoparticles; E-MRS, Nizza (France), May 2011. (invited talk "young researchers" session)

Tomaso Zambelli; Force-controlled gigaseal by FluidFM technology, DIBE Università di Genova (Italy), May 2011. (invited seminar)

Tomaso Zambelli, P. Stiefel, R. Grüter, P. Dörig, J. Mercer, P. Behr, M. Gabi, J. Vörös, J.A. Vorholt; FluidFM : from single-cell to lithography experiments; 14e FORUM des microscopies à sonde locale, Lyon (France), March 2011

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM as lithography and imaging tool in liquid environment; CEMES CNRS, Toulouse (France), Feb 2011. (invited seminar)


Alexandre Larmagnac, P. Musienko, J. Vörös, G. Courtine; Highly Stretchable PDMS-Based Multi-Electrode Ar-ray For Epidural Electrical Stimulation To Regain Motor Function After Spinal Cord Injury, MEA Meeting, Reutlingen, Germany, 2010.

N. Graf, F. Albertini, T. Petit, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli; Electrochemically stimulated release from liposomes embedded in a polyelectrolyte multilayer; ISP International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes, Shanghai, China, November 2010

B. Dielacher, R. MacKenzie, C. Fraschina, T. Sannomiya, B. Päivänranta, A. Langner, J. Vörös; Large Scale Metal Nanowire Arrays for Combined Electrical and Optical Biosensing Applications; MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, December 2010.

R. Zahn, O. Guillaume-Gentil, N. Graf, J. Vörös, and T. Zambelli; Morphology of polyelectrolyte multilayer films: influence of the physico-chemical properties of the supporting substrate; 8th ISP, Shanghai, China, November 2010.

Janos Vörös; Nanobiotechnology approaches to interface biomolecules and cells with sensors and electrical devices, Biozentrum, Basel, CH, November 2, 2010 (invited talk)

O. Guillaume-Gentil, N. Graf, F. Boulmedais, P. Schaaf, J. Vörös, and T. Zambelli; Electrochemical Degradation of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers; 8th ISP, Shanghai, China, November 2010.

Janos Vörös; NanoBio Promises; Workshop on Nanotechnology for Healthcare, Montreux, CH, Nov. 14. 2010 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Combining Self-Assembly Systems with Nanotechnology and Electronics for Biomedical Applications, Molecular and Nanoscale Physics group seminar; Leeds, UK, Nov. 10. 2010. (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Interfacing electronic devices with biology at different length-scales; NMAET IV, Teddington, UK, Nov. 9-10. 2010 (invited plenary talk)

R. MacKenzie, B. Dielacher, C. Fraschina, T. Sannomiya, V. Auzelyte, J. Vörös; Combined optical and electrical biosensing with novel metal nanowire arrays; Eurosensors 2010, Linz, Austria, September 2010.

Janos Vörös; Nanotechnology Approaches for Enhancing the Sensitivity and Throughput of Biosensors; “Trends in NanoTechnology" Conference (TNT2010) Braga, P, Sept. 6-10, 2010 (invited talk)

Kaori Sugihara, Janos Vörös, Tomaso Zambelli; A Gigasealing Lipid Bilayer on a Single Polyelectrolyte Multilayer-filled Nanopore for Ion Channel Sensors; NanoBio Conference 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2010.

Tomaso Zambelli, P. Behr, P. Stiefel, P. Dörig, D. Ossola, E. Sarajlic, D. Bijl, M. Gabi, J.A. Vorholt, J. Mercer, H. Abriel, J. Vörös; FluidFM and single-cell biology: from force-controlled patch-clamping to single-virus dispensing; NanoBio - Zurich 2010 (Switzerland), August 2010.

Andreas Dahlin; Influence from Electrochemical Potentials on Plasmon Resonances; Gordon Research Seminar - Plasmonics, Waterwille USA, June 2010.

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM and open questions in biology: from single-virus dispensing to cell-organelles transplantation; 1st Border Conference on NanoSciences and Materials for Health (NanoSMH), Pont-à-Mousson (France), June 2010. (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Cells and Currents: Approaches and Challenges; From Solid State to Biophysics conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 12-19, 2010 (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; Electronically controlled polymer films for biosensing, drug delivery, and interfacing biology; ESF Workshop "Organic Bioelectronics", Trento (Italia), June 2010. (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli, P. Dörig, P. Stiefel, P. Behr, E. Sarajlic, D. Bijl, M. Gabi, J. Vörös, J. Vorholt, J. Mercer; First FluidFM applications in biology: from single-virus dispensing to cell-organellae transplantation; AFM BioMed 2010, Rovinj, Croatia, May, 2010.

Tomaso Zambelli; First applications of the FluidFM technology for single-cell biology; IBM Research Center, Rüschlikon (Switzerland), May 2010. (invited seminar)

Pascal Behr, D. Ossola, P. Doerig, P. Stiefel, M. Gabi, E. Sarajlic, D. Bijl, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli; Combining AFM with hollow cantilevers for electrophysiological applications; ISPM 2010, Sapporo, Japan, May 12, 2010.

S. Demarche, A. Studer, D. Langenegger, L. Tiefenauer, Integration and recording of a reconstituted voltage-gated sodium channel in planar lipid bilayers, The 20th anniversary world congress on Biosensors, May 2010, Glasgow, UK.

N. Graf, F. Albertini, T. Petit, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli; Electrochemically stimulated release from liposomes embedded in a polyelectrolyte multilayer; MRC Graduate Symposium, Zürich, Switzerland, May 2010

Janos Vörös; Plasmonic Promises: Single Molecule Sensing, Electrochemistry, Nanowire Electronics, Strain Visualization, and Interferometry; Workshop on Functionalized Plasmonic Nano-structures for Biosensing, Monte Verità, Switzerland, April 18 - 23, 2010 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Combining Self-Assembly, Nanotechnology and Electronics for Biomedical Applications; RIKEN, Japan, Jan. 11-14, 2010 (invited talk)


Alexandre Larmagnac, P. Musienko, J. Vörös, G. Courtine; Neuroprosthetic spinal cord electrode arrays to restore mobility in paralyzed spinal rats, ZNZ Symposium, UZH, Switzerland, 2009.

Alexandre Larmagnac, P. Musienko, J. Vörös, G. Courtine; Neuroprosthetic epidural electrical stimulator to regain motor function after spinal cord injury, WACBE, Hong Kong, China, 2009.

Alexandre Larmagnac, M.Gabi, J.Vörös; Cell Adhesion and Growth on Electronically Controlled Indium Tin Oxide Electrodes, ESB, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2009.

Tomaso Zambelli; Electrochemistry as tool to stimulate phenomena at biointerfaces: a local view by bioAFM; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Dec. 2009. (invited seminar)

Janos Vörös; Combining Self-Assembly Systems with Nanotechnology and Electronics for Biomedical Applications; CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain, Nov. 19, 2009. (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Combining Self-Assembly Systems with Nanotechnology and Electronics for Biomedical Applications; CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain, Nov. 19, 2009. (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Smart Self-Assembly Systems with Electronic Control for Biomedical Applications; University of Leeds, UK, Nov. 9, 2009. (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; BioAFM: from imaging to manipulation tool, Workshop on nanoBIOtechnologies, ETH Zurich, Oct. 2009. (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Nano/Micro-technology based Approaches for Biosensing and Cell-Sheet Engineering; E-MRS, Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 14, 2009. (invited talk)

Marta Bally, Kelly Bailey, Shahida, Syed, Sebastian Bürgel, Janos Vörös; The role of Liposomes in Fluorescent Based Microarrays: From Surface Immobilization of Membrane proteins to Highly fluorescent Labels; 56th AVS Conference, 08.-13.11.2009, San Jose, USA

Raphael Zahn, Fouzia Boulmedais, Janos Vörös, Pierre Schaaf, Tomaso Zambelli; Puffing up polymers: Ion and solvent excahnge upon redox processes in ferrocyanide containing polyelectrolyte multilayers; 56th AVS Conference, 08.-13.11.2009, San Jose, USA

Andreas Binkert, Thomas Hirt, Dorothee Niederberger, Janos Vörös; Nanoreactor amplification scheme for electrochemical, enzymatic biosensors,
Nanotech Europe, 28. -30.09.2009, Berlin, Germany

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: combining AFM and nanofluidics for single-cell experiments and beyond; ECI on “Nanoscience and nanotechnology for biological/biomedical/chemical sensing”, Lanzarote (Spain), Sept. 15, 2009. (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Nano/Micro-technology based Approaches for Biosensing and Cell-Sheet Engineering; E-MRS, Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 14, 2009. (invited talk)

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: combining AFM and nanofluidics for single-cell experiments and beyond; TNT2009 Barcelona (Spain), Sept. 2009. (invited talk)

Gilles Weder, Marta Giazzon, Nadège Matthey-de-l’Endroit, Janos Vörös, Martha Liley and Harry Heinzelmann; Measuring cell adhesion forces during the cell cycle by force spectroscopy; European Society of Biomaterials, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 7 - 11, 2009.

Raphael Zahn, Fouzia Boulmedais, Janos Vörös, Pierre Schaaf, Tomaso Zambelli; Puffing up polymers: Ion and solvent excahnge upon redox processes in ferrocyanide containing polyelectrolyte multilayers; 23rd Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, 06.-11.09.2009, Antalya, Turkey

Janos Vörös; Nano/micro-technology based approaches for biosensing and manipulating single cells
EuroSensors 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 8, 2009. (invited talk)

Orane Guillaume-Gentil, Tomaso Zambelli, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Marcus Textor, Masayuki Yamato, Teruo Okano, and Janos Vörös; Electrochemically Responsive Surfaces for Cell Sheet Engineering and Micro-Patterning; TERMIS 2nd World Congress, August 31 - September 3, 2009, Seoul, Korea.

Pascal Behr, M. Gabi, A. Meister, M. Liley, J. Przybylska, P. Studer, H. Heinzelmann, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli; FluidFM: A novel AFM-based tool for single cell experiments

WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2009, 26 – 29 July 2009
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Norma Graf, Francesco Albertini, Tristan Petit, Janos Vörös, Tomaso Zambelli; Towards electrically induced release of bioactive molecules into living cells.

WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2009, 26 – 29 July 2009
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Janos Vörös; Smart Polymeric Systems with Electronic Control for Biomedical Applications
MPI Mainz, Germany, March 3, 2009. (invited talk)

Janos Vörös; Electroactive Polymer Systems for Biomedical Applications
Q-Sense Workshop, Gothenburg, Sweden, February 24, 2009. (invited talk)

Nano-Microtechnology Based Approaches to Solve Biological Problems
Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, Dec. 12. 2008. (invited talk)

Takumi Sannomiya, Christian Hafner, Janos Vörös (invited talk); Plasmonic Nanoparticle Based Biosensing: Experiments and Simulations
SPIE Optics+Photonics 2009, San Diego, USA, Aug 2009

Takumi Sannomiya, Christian Hafner, Janos Vörös; Optically coupled plasmonic particles for strain sensing and mapping
5th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2009

Orane Guillaume-Gentil, Daniele Abbruzzese, Norma Graf, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Masayuki Yamato, Teruo Okano, Tomaso Zambelli, Janos Vörös; Electrochemically-Induced Cell Sheet Engineering & Micro-Patterning; XXth International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, May 10-14, 2009, Sibiu, Romania.

Tomaso Zambelli; FluidFM: combining AFM and nanofluidics for single-cell experiments and beyond; Molecular Medical and Evolution Genetics Laboratory INSERM U571 (Paris, France), March 2009. (invited talk)






Janos Vörös (invited talk); Nano-Microtechnology Based Approaches to Solve Biological Problems
Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, Dec. 12. 2008.

Martin Nirschl, Anja Blüher, Christiane Erler, Beate Katzschner, Wolfgang Pompe, Inger Vikholm-Lundin, Sanna Auer, Janos Vörös, Matthias Schreiter, Michael Mertig; Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators for DNA and Protein Detection and Investigation of Bacterial S-Layer Formation; 22nd EUROSENSORS, 07.-10.09.2008, Dresden, Germany

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Optical and electrical nanobiosensors and their potential in diagnostics and treatment
ESF Conference on Nanomedicine, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September 2008

Pascal Behr (Short Poster Presentation), M. Gabi, P. Studer, A. Meister, M. Liley, J. Przybylska, H. Heinzelmann, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli;
AFM-controlled injection of labelled molecules into single living cells
ESF Conference on Nanomedicine, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September 2008

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Ions, biomolecules and cells at electrified interfaces
GRC on Biological Interfaces II, Aussois, France, September 2008 (invited talk)

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Microengineering for Building Small Neuron Networks
ZNZ Symposium, Sept. 12, 2008

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Nanotechnology based approaches to solve biological problems: Self-assembling microarray, electrically controlled cell growth, nanoneedle and others
Bio-Nano-Robo Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, Sept. 4, 2008

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Biomembrane Microarrays by DNA-assisted Sorting, Spotting, and Electronic Control of Vesicles and Cells
International Scientific Seminar on "Membraneomics - Basic and Applied Aspects of the Biomembrane and Its Mimics", Osaka, Japan, Sept. 1- 3, 2008

Marta Bally, Kelly Bailey, Brigitte Städler, Janos Vörös; Surface Sorting of Functional Vesicles via Oligonucleotide Tags,  SBE's 4th International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (ICBN), Dublin, Ireland, July 2008

Takumi Sannomiya, Christian Hafner, Janos Vörös; Sensitivity study of a plasmonic gold nano particle by observing single particle binding events, 4th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures, Zurich, Switzerland, July 2008

Gilles Weder, Marta Giazzon, Nadège Matthey, M. Liley, Harry Heinzelmann, Janos Vörös; Measuring cell adhesion forces during the cell cycle by force spectroscopy; European Society of Biomechanics, Luzern, Switzerland, July 2008

Michael Gabi , Pascal Behr, Polesel-Maris Jérôme, Meister André, Liley Martha, Heinzelmann Harry, Vörös Janos, Zambelli Tomaso "A New Force Controlled Liquid Injection System for Biomedical Applications",
Acireale, Sicily, Italy, June 2008, 3th CIMTEC 2008

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Electronically Controlled Micro- and Nanosystems for Biosensing and Interfacing Biology
CIMTEC, Acireale, Italy, June 2008

Dorothee Grieshaber, Janos Vörös (invited talk); Electrochemical QCM-D for Electroactive Polyelectrolyte Multilayers and in Enzymatic Biosensing, Scientific workshop - Surface Analytical Techniques, Dübendorf, Switzerland, June 2008

Elsa Thomasson,
Manuel Aschwanden, Raoul Enning, Andreas Stemmer, Alfredo Franco-Obregón; Unraveling Cytoskeletal Transduction During Myogenesis with EAP Bioreactor; 3rd International Conference “Smart Materials, Structures and Systems”, Acireale, Italy, June 2008

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Interfacing Biology with Electronics at the Nanometer Scale; Seminar at the Walter Schottky Institute, Munich, Germany, May 2008


Orane Guillaume-Gentil, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Marcus Textor, Masayuki Yamato, Teruo Okano, Janos Vörös; Polyelectrolyte-Modified Surfaces for Cell Sheet Engineering; 8th World Biomaterials Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2008

Takumi Sannomiya, Christian Hafner, Janos Vörös; Modeling and Measuring the Spectra of Nanoparticles towards Optical Biosensing Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, The Tenth World Congress on Biosensors, Shanghai, China, May 2008

Marta Bally, Kelly Bailey, Brigitte Städler, Janos Vörös; Development of Self-Sorting G-Protein Coupled Receptors, The Tenth World Congress on Biosensors, Shanghai, China, May 2008

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Self-Assembling Microarrays, Nanowires, and Nanoparticles as Biosensors, Biosensors World Congress, Shanghai, China, May 2008

Martin Nirschl, Inger Vikholm-Lundin, Sanna Auer, Traudl Erdel, Dana Pitzer, Thomas Huber, Janos Vörös, Matthias Schreiter; Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators for Label-Free Biomolecule Detection; 2nd Label-Free Protein Array Workshop, 03.-04.06.2008, ENS Cachan, Paris-France


Elsa Thomasson, Manuel Aschwanden, Radu Ilinca, Raoul Enning, Andreas Stemmer, Janos Vörös, Alfredo Franco-Obregón; Stretch Induced Cell Sheet Alignment; 14th Swiss Conference on Biomaterials, Basel, Switzerland, May 2008





Elsa Thomasson, Brigitte Städler, Thomas Blättler, Janos Vörös, Alfredo Franco-Obregón; Real Time Analysis of Myogenesis in Behaving Myoblasts, TERMIS-AP, Tokyo, Japan, December 2007


Orane Guillaume-Gentil, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Martin Schuler, Clarence Tang, Marcus Textor, Masayuki Yamato, Teruo Okano, Janos Vörös; Electronically Sensitive Polyelectrolyte Coatings as a New Platform for Cell Sheet Engineering; TERMIS-AP, Tokyo, Japan, December 2007


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Controlling the Adsorption of Proteins, the Release of Drugs, and the Behavior of Cells by Electronic Means
Seminar at the University Hospital Zurich, November 2007


Alfredo Franco-Obregón (invited talk); Unraveling Biological Processes at the Nanometer Scale. Scanning Probe Microscopy, 6th International Workshop in Berlin, Germany, October 2007.

Dorothee Grieshaber, Erik Reimhult, Janos Vörös; Development of Enzymatic Biosensors with the Help of the QCM, Q-Sense User Meeting, Toulouse, France, Oct. 2007.


Janos Vörös
(invited talk); DNA Controlled Self-Assembly of Nanoparticles and Vesicles for Nanopatterning and Biosensing Applications
Colloids for Nano- and Biotechnology Conference, Siófok, Hungary, October 2007


Janos Vörös
(invited talk); Electronically Controlled Polymer Films for Tissue Engineering and Biosensing
REACT 2007, Dresden, Germany, September 2007


Janos Vörös
(invited talk); Nanobiotechnology Based Analytical Approaches: Self-Assembling Microarrays, Nanowires, and Nanoparticles as Biosensors
CEAC Seminar, ETH Zurich, September 2007


Janos Vörös
(invited talk); Controlling the Growth of Neurons and the Release of Drugs by Electronic Means
Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich, September 2007


Janos Vörös
(invited plenary talk); Nanostructured Biosensors
SLS Users’ Meeting, PSI Villigen, September 2007


Janos Vörös
(invited talk); Stimuli Responsive Surfaces to Control Biomolecules and Cells
SSBII Meeting, Manchester, UK, September 2007


Andreas Binkert
, Martin Halter, Janos Vörös; 3D Micro- and Nanostructured Surfaces for Proteomics, SBE's 3rd International Conference on
Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Biopolis, Singapore, Aug. 2007.


Janos Vörös
(invited talk); Tailoring the Adsorption of Biomolecules and the Behavior of Cells by Electric Potentials
Biosurf VII, Zurich, Switzerland, Aug. 2007


Takumi Sannomiya
, Christian Hafner, Janos Vörös; Localized surface plasmon resonance of optically coupled metal particles, 3rd Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures, Zurich, Switzerland, 09-10. Jul. 2007


Janos Vörös
(invited talk); Interfacing Biology with Electronics at the Nanometer Scale
Seminar at the Department of Physics, ETH Zurich, June 2007



Janos Vörös (invited talk); Stimuli Responsive Polymers for Biosensing and Interfacing Biology
Swiss-Russian Workshop on Grafted Polymers in Biomedical Applications, Switzerland, June 2007


Janos Vörös; Biolithography: DNA-assisted Manufacturing of Nanodevices for Optical and Electronic Biosensing
Device Research Conference, South Bend, IL, June 2007.


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Nano-bio Strategies for Membrane Protein Screening and Diagnostics
Seminar at Roche, Basel, Switzerland, May 2007.


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Biolithography: Novel Approaches to Pattern Biomolecules for Biodiagnostics
Workshop on Advanced Macromolecular Systems across the Length Scales; Enschede, The Netherlands, April 2007


Janos Vörös (inaugural lecture); Bioelectronics: Interfacing Electronics with Biology at the Nanometer Scale
ETH Zurich, Switzerland, April 10, 2007.


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Biolithography: DNA-assisted Manufacturing of Nanodevices for Optical and Electronic Biosensing
Seminar at the Integrated Systems Center, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2007.


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Development and Characterization of Nanowires for Applications in (Bio-)Electronics
CCMX Annual Meeting, Fribourg, Switzerland, March 2007.


Janos Vörös; DNA Directed Assembly of Nano-Objects for Optical and Electrical Biosensing
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society, Zurich, Febr. 2007.



Dorothee Grieshaber, Erik Reimhult, Janos Vörös; Enzymatic Biosensors towards a Multiplexed Electronic Detection System for Early Cancer Diagnostics, 2nd Annual IEEE-NEMS, Bangkok, Thailand, Jan. 2007.



Marta Bally, Brigitte Städler, Dorothee Grieshaber, Janos Vörös, Heterogeneous Vesicle Arrays for Biosensing Applications, 2nd Annual IEEE-NEMS, Bangkok, Thailand, Jan 2007.

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Biolithography: Electronically Switchable Patterning of Biomolecules and Cells
PSI Villigen, Switzerland, Jan. 2007.

Janos Vörös (invited talk); Nanopatterned Biointerfaces with Electrical Control towards Diagnostics
Seminar at Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany, Jan. 2007.


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Electronically Switchable BioInterfaces towards Nanowire and Nanoparticle Biosensing
Seminar at Physics Dept. EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, Jan. 2007.



Janos Vörös (invited talk); DNA Directed Assembly of Nanoparticles and Nanowire Arrays for Biosensing Applications
Ispra, Italy, December 2006, Workshop on Physics of Sensors and Detection Systems


Thomas M. Blättler, Andreas Binkert, Matthias Zimmermann, Erik Reimhult, Marcus Textor and Janos Vörös; Particle Self-Assembly for Biologically Relevant Nanopatterns
2nd Joint Group Meeting University of Twente – ETH Zurich, Hotel Wasserstelz, Wasserstelz, Germany, November 22 - 24, 2006


Janos Vörös; Electronically Switchable BioInterfaces,
Boston, USA, November 2006, MRS Fall Meeting


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Switchable BioInterfaces with Nanoscale Control
San Francisco, November 2006, Meeting of the AVS


Michael Gabi; Electronically Controlled BioInterface for Neuron Growth
San Francisco, USA, November 2006, 53rd AVS Conference
Movie as avi


Janos Vörös; Switchable BioInterfaces with Nanoscale Control for Biosensing and Tissue Engineering
Zurich, Switzerland, October 2006, Sino-Swiss Workshop


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Switchable Biological Interfaces with Nanoscale Control
Seggau, Austria, October 2006, STIPOMAT meeting


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Nanopatterning Using Polyelectrolyte Layers with Electronic Control for Bioengineering
Lund, October 2006, Nanowire Conference,


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Nanopatterned Interfaces with Electronic Control for Bioengineering
Santa Barbara, September 2006, 2nd International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology.



Marta Bally, Brigitte Städler, Dorothee Grieshaber and Janos Vörös;  Spotting onto a Biotinylated Non-Fouling Polymer layer: First Steps towards Membrane Protein Arrays. MPI Mainz, Mainz, Germany, September 21 - 22, 2006, 3rd Joint Group Meeting MPI Mainz – ETH Zurich



Thomas M. Blättler, Andreas Binkert, Matthias Zimmermann, Marcus Textor and Janos Vörös; Ordered Nanopatterns of Cavities and Pillars Created by Particle Self-Assembly – Towards Single Molecule Investigations
MPI Mainz, Mainz, Germany, September 21 - 22, 2006, 3rd Joint Group Meeting MPI Mainz – ETH Zurich


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Nanopatterned Interfaces with Electronic Control for Biosensors and Bioelectronics
Department of Inorganic, Analytical, and Applied Chemistry, University of Geneva, September 2006


Janos Vörös (invited talk); Controling the Nano-bio-interface
Université catholique de Louvain, Unité de chimie des interfaces, August 2006


Janos Vörös, Electronically Switchable Surfaces for Microelectrode Array Applications
Reutlingen, July 2006, MEA Conference


Thomas M. Blättler, Andreas Binkert, Matthias Zimmermann, Marcus Textor and Janos Vörös; Nanopatterns for Biological Applications Produced by Particle Assembly – from Self-Assembly to Application
Hotel Granduca, Pisa, Italy, June 29 – July 1, 2006, SONS Conference 2006


Janos Vörös, Molecular Assembly and Nanopatterning of Interfaces for Biological Applications
Pisa, Italy, June 2006, Conference on Self-Organized Nanostructures


Dorothee Grieshaber; Micropatterns of DNA-tagged Vesicles towards Membrane Protein Microarrays
Toronto, Canada, May 2006, The 9th World Congress on Biosensors


Janos Vörös; Electronically Controlled Surfaces for Biological Applications
PSI Villigen, Switzerland, June 2006


Janos Vörös; Biosensors Today and Tomorrow,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland, January 2006


Marta Bally, Dorota Dahlborg, Karin Holm, Salvatore Chessari, Samuele Tosatti, Janos Vörös, Marcus Textor and Julie Gold; Two Surface Modification Strategies for the Immobilization of the bioactive IKVAV Sequence, 5th Q-Sense User Meeting IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, October, 2005



Thomas M. Blättler, Marcus Textor and Janos Vörös; Nanochemical Patterning Using Particle and Molecular Self-Assembly Systems
BioNanotechnology 3, Sussex University, Brighton, UK, September 19-21, 2005


Thomas M. Blättler, Tobias E. Bauert, Andreas Binkert, Marcus Textor and Janos Vörös; Patterning proteins in the nanorange using particle and molecular self-assembly systems
1st PhD EMPA Symposium, Dübendorf, Switzerland, October 20, 2005

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