Dermutz, Harald, Dr.

ETH Zürich
PhD Thesis 2016
Master Thesis 2009
Current Research
Patterned neuron networks of defined topography
Modern imaging techniques have become a powerful tool for investigating differences in topology and excitation patterns between the different brain regions. However, the resolution limit of in vivo techniques and the high complexity of brain topology make it difficult to isolate and study small neuron circuits. Studying small neuron networks with defined connections could provide insight into how the brain performs basic information processing. I am interested in building very low density neuron networks with defined connections between the cells. Additionally, we are developing tools to interact with the network on a single cell level and to investigate the effects of these interactions on the whole network.

- Dipl. Ing. in Electrical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering
Graz University of Technology
- Local Polymer Replacement for Neuron Patterning and in Situ Neurite Guidance
H. Dermutz , R. R. Grüter , A. M. Truong , L. Demkó , J. Vörös *, and T. Zambelli
Langmuir, DOI: 10.1021/la5012692 - Electrochemistry on localized surface plasmon sensor
T. Sannomiya, H. Dermutz, Ch. Hafner, J. Vörös, A. Dahlin
Langmuir, 26(10), 7619–7626, 2010.
Poster Presentations
- Localized chemical stimulation and mapping of neuronal cultures combining FluidFM with MEA
H. Dermutz, M.J. Aebersold, J.F. Saenz Cogollo, L. Demkó, T. Zambelli, J. Vörös
Neuroscience 2013, 9-13 November, San Diego, USA - Chemical Stimulation of Single Neurons in an in vitro System: Coupling a Force-Controlled Nanopipette with a MEA Recording System
H. Dermutz, M.J. Aebersold, J.F. Saenz Cogollo, L. Demkó, T. Zambelli, J. Vörös
6th international IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference, 6-8 November, San Diego, USA - Chemical stimulation of single cells – a new approach
H. Dermutz, J. F. Saenz Cogollo, J. Vörös
NanoBioTech, 12.-14. November, Montreux, Switzerland - Neuron networks with controlled topology
H. Dermutz, J. F. Saenz Cogollo, J. Vörös
8th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, 14.-18. July 2012, Barcelona, Spain - Physiological neuron networks and their functional capabilities
H. Dermutz, M. Gabi, J. Vörös
ESF EMBO "Biological Surfaces and Interfaces", July 2011, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain - Behavior of localized Surface Plasmon resonance nanoparticles in electrochemical reactions
H. Dermutz, T. Sannomiya, J. Vörös
ESB 2009 - 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials, 07-11.09.2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
Student projects
- Connect and guide - Designing neuronal networks with controlled directionality and topology
Gregor Schuhknecht (Research Project)