Kehl, Florian, Dr.

CSEM SA / ETH Zürich
PhD Thesis 2015
Research during PhD
- Label-Free Optical Biosensing
- Waveguide Grating Couplers
- Development of an integrated, label-free, waveguide grating based biosensor platform for on-the-spot measurements and online monitoring of toxins and pollutants in food production processes and in the aquatic environment.
(Project external page RADAR, Funded by the European Union with its FP7 Program)
Thesis: Kehl, Florian. Theory, Development and Validation of a Novel Label-Free Waveguide Grating based Biosensor System. ETH Zürich (2015). Diss-Nr. 22799
- 2007-2010: Master in Nanoscience, Major in Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland
- 2004-2007: Bachelor in Nanoscience, University of Basel, Switzerland
- 1999-2003: High School Degree, Kantonsschule Sargans, Switzerland
Previous Research
- Master Thesis: An Attitude Controller for Small Scale Rockets
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Supervisors: Prof. Kris Pister and Prof. Ernst Meyer - Semester Thesis II: Feasibility Study and Development of a Fluorescent Screen based on an Ultraviolet Laser Projector
University of Basel, Switzerland
Supervisor: Prof. Marcel Mayor - Semester Thesis I: Improvement of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of a Label-Free Optical Biosensor
University of Basel, Switzerland/CSEM Landquart, Switzerland
Supervisors: Prof. Wolfgang Meier and Dr. Max Wiki
- external page Introduction of an Angle Interrogated, MEMS-based, Optical Waveguide Grating System for Label-Free Biosensing
F. Kehl, G. Etlinger, T. E. Gartmann, N. S. R. U. Tscharner, S. Heub, S. Follonier
Sensors & Actuators: B Chemical (2016), 226, 135–143.
- external page Design of a Label-Free, Distributed Bragg Grating Resonator Based Dielectric Waveguide Biosensor
F. Kehl, D. Bischof, M. Michler, M. Keka, R. Stanley
Photonics. 2015; 2(1):124-138.
- external page Experimental Validation of the Sensitivity of Waveguide Grating Based Refractometric (Bio)sensors
T. E. Gartmann†, F. Kehl†
Biosensors. 2015; 5(2):187-198.
- external page Automated and portable solid phase extraction platform for immuno-detection of 17β-estradiol in water
S. Heub, N. Tscharner, V. Monnier, F. Kehl, P.S. Dittrich, S. Follonier, L. Barbe
Journal of Chromatography A, Vol. 1381 (2015): 22–28.
- external page A simple method for automated solid phase extraction of water samples for immunological analysis of small pollutants
S. Heub, N. Tscharner, F. Kehl, P.S. Dittrich, S. Follonier, L. Barbe
Journal of Visualized Experiments, e53438, (2015).
- external page Integrated planar optical waveguide interferometer biosensors: a comparative review
P. Kozma, F. Kehl, E. Ehrentreich-Förster, C. Stamm, F. F. Bier
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 58 (2014): 287-307.
- external page FEM-Based Method for the Simulation of Dielectric Waveguide Grating Biosensors
T. Guillod, F. Kehl, and C. V. Hafner
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 137, 565-583, 2013.
- external page Hybrid Robot Gripper and Tools for Handling and Bonding Micro Fluidic Chips
Altmeyer, M., Koller-Hodac, A., Walpen, S., Krüttli, E., Lüthy, M., Kehl, F. , Auerswald, J.
Robotics (ISR), 2010 41st International Symposium on and 2010 6th German Conference on Robotics (ROBOTIK) (pp. 1-6)
- external page Optimal hybridization efficiency upon immobilization of oligonucleotide double helices
J. Razumovitch, K. de França, F. Kehl, M. Wiki, W. Meier, C. Vebert
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2009 Jun 18;113(24):8383-90.
doi: 10.1021/jp902383m
- external page An Attitude Controller for Small Scale Rockets
F. Kehl, A. M. Mehta, K. S. J. Pister
Field and Service Robotics, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics Volume 105, 2015, pp 201-214.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-07488-7_14
- Measurement method based on an optical waveguide sensor system (patent pending)
Florian Kehl, Stephane Follonier
PCT/EP2014/061740 (WO2014EP61740)
- Integrated optical waveguide sensor system (patent pending)
Florian Kehl, Mirjad Keka, Markus Michler, Ross Stanley
Oral Presentations
- Development of an integrated, label-free, waveguide grating based biosensor platform for on-the-spot measurements and online monitoring of toxins and pollutants in food production processes and in the aquatic environment.
Florian Kehl, Noe S. R.U. Tscharner, Gerhard Etlinger, Stephane Follonier, Janos Vörös
Scientific Symposium: Small Solutions for Big Water-Related Problems - Innovative microarrays and small sensors to cope with water quality and food security
October 26-28, 2014, Rome, Italy
- An Attitude Controller for Small Scale Rockets
Ankur Mehta, Florian Kehl
The 9th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics
Dec 9-11, 2013, Brisbane, Australia
- Combined FEM and analytical method for the simulation and optimization of planar dielectric waveguide grating biosensors
Florian Kehl, Thomas Guillod
8th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Optical Nano Structures
July 2-4, 2012, Zürich, Switzerland
Poster Presentations
- Fabrication, Simulation and Characterization of Waveguide Grating Based Biosensors
T. Gartmann, F. Kehl
40th Int'l Micro and Nano Engineering Conference, September 22-26, 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Enhanced Surface-to-Bulk Sensitivity Ratio of a Waveguide Grating Biosensor by Angular Interrogation at Short Wavelengths
F. Kehl, S. Follonier, J. Vörös
3rd International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, May 12-15, 2013, Sitges, Spain.
This poster received the "Best Poster Award".
- Self-Referencing Label-Free Waveguide Grating Sensor For Remote Surveillance Of Toxins And Pollutants
F. Kehl, P. Büchel, M. Gross, S. Follonier, J. Vörös
Label Free Technologies, November 1-3, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Angle interrogating optical sensor ARGOS: Scanning MEMS mirror for waveguide grating based labelfree monitoring of toxins and pollutants
F.Kehl, S. Follonier, J. Vörös
Graubünden forscht, September 12–13, 2012, Davos, Switzerland
- Angle Interrogating Optical Sensor ARGOS: Scanning MEMS Mirror for Higher Performance Label-free Optical Biosensing
F.Kehl, S. Follonier, J. Vörös
Biosensors 2012, May 16-18, 2012, Cancun, Mexico.
- Oligonucleotide-based Polymers: Synthesis and Hybridization
F. Teixeira, J. Razumovitch, K. de França, F. Kehl, M.Wiki, W. Meier, C. Vebert-Nardin
Workshop on Nanoscience. 2008, Davos, Switzerland.
- Immobilization of oligonucleotides and their hybridization at a surface: QCM-D and BRIGHT studies
F. Kehl, J. Razumovitch, M. Wiki, C. Vebert-Nardin, W. Meier
INASCON 2008, September 2008, Arhus, Denmark
This poster received the "Best Poster Award".
Supervised Student Projects
- Validation of the Biomolecule Detection Capability of the Label-free Waveguide Grating Coupled Biosensor ARGOS
Philip Häner (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Semster Project, 2015
- Characterization of Waveguide Grating Couplers and Bragg Grating Based Biosensors
Thomas E. Gartmann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Semster Project, 2014
- Entwurf und Optimierung von Resonator basierten Biosensoren
David Bischof (University of Applied Sciences Buchs NTB, Switzerland/University of Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany)
Master Thesis, 2014
- Design and Simulation of Next Generation Label-Free-Biosensors Based on Planar Waveguides
Mirjad Keka (University of Applied Sciences Buchs NTB, Switzerland/University of Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany)
Master Thesis, 2013
- Combined FEM and analytical method for the simulation and optimization of planar dielectric waveguide grating biosensors
Thomas Guillod (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Semester Project, 2012
- In-fiber Interferometric Angle Measurement System for an Output Grating Coupler Type Biosensor
Luca Hirt (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Master Thesis, 2012
- Arbeiten mit dem Bright-Reader Bio-Sensor
Martin Spillmann (Kantonsschule Sargans, Switzerland)
Maturaarbeit, 2010
Non-Refereed Articles:
- F. Kehl, N. Tscharner, P. Grandi, T. Gartmann, G. Etlinger, and A. Giangreco (2014), “Development of an Integrated , Label-free , Waveguide Grating-based Biosensor Platform for Onsite Measurements and Online Monitoring of Toxins and Pollutants in Food Production Processes and in the Aquatic Environment,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 63.
- T. Gartmann and F. Kehl (2014), “Experimental Characterization of the Sensitivity of Waveguide Grating-based Biosensors and Comparison with Numerical Simulations,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 62.
- F. Kehl, D. Bischof, M. Michler, M. Keka, and R. P. Stanley (2014), “Conceptual Design and Numerical Simulation of a Distributed Bragg Grating Resonator Waveguide Biosensor,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 60.
- S. Heub, N. Tscharner, V. Monnier, L. Barbe, D. Caminada, and S. Follonier (2014), “On-site Sample Preparation Platform for the Monitoring of Emerging Pollutants in Water,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 61.
- F. Kehl and J. Vörös (2013), “Enhanced Surface-to-Bulk Sensitivity Ratio of a Waveguide Grating Biosensor by Angular Interrogation at Short Wavelengths,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 54.
- T. Guillod, F. Kehl, and C. Hafner (2012), “FEM-Based Method for the Simulation of Dielectric Waveguide Grating Biosensors,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 48.
- S. Follonier, J. Vörös, and F. Kehl (2011), “Self-referenced Waveguide Grating Sensor for the Angle Interrogating Optical System (ARGOS),” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 79.
- S. Follonier, S. Heub, S. Deshpande, T. Pfohl, D. Müller, and F. Kehl (2011), “Continuous Particle Separation Filter through Deterministic Lateral Displacement as In-line Sample Purification Unit,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 37.
- F. Kehl, S. Follonier, and M. Wiki (2010), “Angle Interrogating Optical Sensor ARGOS : Scanning MEMS Mirror for Higher Performance Label-free Optical Biosensing,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 78.
- J. Auerswald, S. Berchtold, N. Schmid, R. J. James, I. Pushkarsky, M. Wiki, F. Kehl, S. Follonier, P. Schüpp, H. F. Knapp (2010), “2Dplus Laser Micromachining,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 103.
- J. Auerswald, S. Berchtold, J. Kaufmann, Q. Lai, S. Follonier, M. Wiki, F. Kehl, M. Altmeyer, and S. Walpen (2010), “Customer-specific Small Series Production and Modeling of Microfluidic Components,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 104.
- F. Kehl, J. Razumovitch, K. De França, W. Meier, C. Vebert, and M. Wiki (2008), “DNA-fragment Binding Studies on the Label-free BRIGHT TM -Reader and QCM-D Biosensor,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 75.
- M. Wiki, F. Kehl, and P. Seitz (2007), “Robust Label-Free Biosensor using BRIGHT Technology,” CSEM Scientific and Technical Report, p. 68.