Zahn, Raphael, Dr.

ETH Zürich
PhD Thesis 2012
- Electrochemically active polyelectrolyte multilayers
- Interactions between polyelectrolytes and counterions
- Polyelectrolyte multilayers for biomedical and micromechanical applications
Previous Research Activities
- “Phase behavior, structural and dynamic properties of complex protein solutions”, soft matter physics, Fribourg University, Switzerland
- Master thesis “DNA-mediated fusion of phospholipid vesicles”, solid state physics, Lund University, Sweden
- 8/2004 - 12/2006 Studies of physics at Augsburg University (Germany), Heidelberg University (Germany) and Lund University (Sweden)
- 10/2002 - 8/2004 Vordiplom in physics at Augsburg University, Germany
- 06/2002 Abitur at Rhababus-Maurus-Gymnasium in St. Ottilien, Germany
Professional Experience
- 07/2007 – 03/2008 Research assistant, soft matter physics, Fribourg University, Switzerland
- 03/2007 - 05/2007 Internship, Bosch Sensortec GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany
- 03/2006 - 12/2006 Master thesis, solid state physics, Lund University, Sweden
- Norovirus GII.4 Virus-like Particles Recognize Galactosylceramides in Domains of Planar Supported Lipid Bilayers
M. Bally, G. E. Rydell, R. Zahn, W. Nasir, C. Eggeling, M. E. Breimer, L. Svensson, F. Höök, G. Larson
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201205972 - Effect of polyelectrolyte interdiffusion on the electron transport in redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers
R. Zahn, G. Coullerez, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 22, 11073 - 11078 - Nanoplasmonic sensing of metal-halide complex formation and the electric double layer capacitor
A. Dahlin, R. Zahn, J. Vörös
Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 2339-2351 - Ion-induced cell sheet detachment from standard cell culture surfaces coated with polyelectrolytes
R. Zahn, E. Thomasson, O. Guillaume-Gentil, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
Biomaterials, 2012, 33(12), 3421-3427 - Layer-by-Layer From nanodroplets to continous films: how the morphology of polyelectrolyte multilayers depends on the dielectric permittivity and the surface charge of the supporting substrate
R. Zahn, O. Guillaume-Gentil, S. Lindhoud, N. Graf, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 3861-3871 - Electrochemical crystallization of plasmonic nanostructures.
A. Dahlin, T. Sannomiya, R. Zahn, G. Sotiriou, J. Vörös.
Nano Letters, 2011, 11 (3), 1337-1343. - Engineering the Extracellular Environment: Strategies for Building 2D and 3D Cellular Structures
O. Guillame-Gentil, O. Semenov, A. Roca, T. Groth, R. Zahn, J. Vörös, M. Zenobi-Wong;
Advanced Materials, 2010, 22(48):5443-5462 - Electrical micro current to prevent conditioning film and bacterial adhesion to urological stents
M. Gabi, L. Hefermehl, D. Lukic, D. Eberli, R. Zahn, J. Vörös
Urological Research, 2010, 39(2):81-88 - Swelling of electrochemically active polyelectrolyte multilayers (Review)
R. Zahn, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 2010, 15, 427 - Ion and Solvent Exchange Processes in PGA/PAH Polyelectrolyte Multilayers Containing Ferrocyanide
R. Zahn, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, 114(11), 3759-3768 - DNA-induced programmable fusion of phospholipid vesicles
G. Stengel, R. Zahn, F. Höök
J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2007, 129, 9584-9585
Oral Presentations
- The entropy of water in exponentially growing polyelectrolyte multilayers
R. Zahn, K. Bickel, R. Schuster, F. Boulmedias, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli
8th International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes,
09.07.-12.07.2012, Lausanne, Switzerland - Electron transport in redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers
R. Zahn, G. Coullerez, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
7th MRC Graduate Symposium,
07.06.2012, Zurich, Switzerland - Redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers: all about ion-exchange and entropy of water
R. Zahn, K. Bickel, R. Schuster, F. Boulmedias, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli
Swiss Soft Days, 7th Workshop,
14.02.2012, Lausanne, Switzerland - Microcalorimetric studies on ion and water exchange in redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers
R. Zahn, K. Bickel, R. Schuster, F. Boulmedias, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli
242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting,
28.08.-01.09.2011, Denver, USA - Morphology of polyelectrolyte multilayer films: influence of the physico-chemical properties of the supporting substrate
R. Zahn, O. Guillaume-Gentil, N. Graf, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
8th International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes,
14.-16.11.2010, Shanghai, China - Puffing up polymers: Ion and solvent excahnge upon redox processes in ferrocyanide containing polyelectrolyte multilayers
R. Zahn, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli
56th AVS Conference,
08.-13.11.2009, San Jose, USA - Puffing up polymers: Ion and solvent excahnge upon redox processes in ferrocyanide containing polyelectrolyte multilayers
R. Zahn, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli
23rd Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society,
06.-11.09.2009, Antalya, Turkey
Poster Presentations
- Ion-induced cell sheet detachement from standard cell culture surfaces coated with polyelectrolytes
R. Zahn, E. Thomasson, O. Guillaume-Gentil, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
PhysCell 2012,
02.-09.09.2012, Hyères, France - Ion-responsive polyelectrolyte surfaces for cell sheet engineering
R. Zahn, E. Thomasson, O. Guillaume-Gentil, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
Swiss Soft Days, 8th Workshop,
01.06.2012, Geneva, Switzerland - Determining the entropy of water in electrochemically swellable polyelectrolyte multilayers by combining electrochemical QCM-D with electrochemical microcalorimetry
R. Zahn, K. Bickel, R. Schuster, F. Boulmedias, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli
Q-sense user meeting,
13.-14. 11. 2011, Bensheim, Germany
This poster received the "Poster Award 2011" - Counterion dependent swelling of redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers
R. Zahn, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli
Swiss Soft Days, Third Workshop,
20.10.2010, Fribourg, Switzerland - Redox-active polyelectrolyte multilayers for biomedical applications
R. Zahn, E. Thomasson, O. Guillaume-Gentil, J. Vörös, T. Zambelli
Third International NanoBio Conference,
24-27.08.2010, Zürich, Switzerland - Puffing up polymers: Ion and solvent excahnge upon redox processes in ferrocyanide containing polyelectrolyte multilayers
R.Zahn, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli,
23rd Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society,
06.-11.09.2009, Antalya, Turkey - Ion and solvent exchange in polyelectrolyte multilayers containing ferrocyanide
R.Zahn, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli,
MRC Graduate Symposium,
10.06.2009, Zürich, Switzerland - Puffing up polymers: From basic understanding towards first biomedical applications
R.Zahn, F. Boulmedais, J. Vörös, P. Schaaf, T. Zambelli,
8th Q-sense user meeting,
24.-25.02.2009, Gothenburg, Sweden - Electroactive Polyelectrolyte Multilayers
D. Grieshaber, R.Zahn, J. Vörös, V. Ball, T. Zambelli, P. Schaaf, J.C. Voegel, F. Boulmedais,
Joining Forces: Sensing and Manipulating in Live Cells,
07.11.2008, Zürich, Switzerland - Electroactive Polyelectrolyte Multilayers
R. Zahn D. Grieshaber, J. Vörös, V. Ball, T. Zambelli, P. Schaaf, J.C. Voegel, F. Boulmedais,
SBE's 4th International Conference on Bioengineering and Nanotechnology,
22.-24.07.2008, Dublin, Ireland - Swelling and contraction of ferrocyanide containing polyelectrolyte multilayers upon application of a potential
R. Zahn, D. Grieshaber, J. Vörös, V. Ball, T. Zambelli, P. Schaaf, J.C. Voegel, F. Boulmedais,
Polyelectrolytes 2008,
16.-19.06.2008, Coimbra, Portugal