Küchler, Joël

Joël Küchler
  • GLC F 11

Inst. f. Biomedizinische Technik
Gloriastrasse 37/ 39
8092 Zürich

Joël Küchler

Research Interests

- Computational Neuroscience

- Bottom-​Up Neuroscience

- Machine Learning

Poster Presentations

  • Exploring the potential of biological and artificial neural network hybrids for computation. Küchler, J., Vulić, K., Yao, H., Ihle, S. J., Duru, J., Maurer, B., Weaver, S., & Vörös, J. 3rd In-Vitro 2D & 3D Neuronal Networks Summit, 15-17 May 2023, Zürich, Switzerland. 
  • Towards biological and artificial neural network hybrids solving computational tasks. Küchler, J., Vulić, K., Yao, H., Ihle, S. J., Duru, J., Maurer, B., Weaver, S., & Vörös, J. Cambridge Bioelectronics Symposium, 15-16 June 2023, Cambridge, UK.
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